
来源 :西部大开发(土地开发工程研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iou820915
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为探索河道水源地大规模原位净水系统及净水方法效果,本文通过在黄河(陕西韩城—合阳段)原有堤坝修筑需求的基础上搭建了大规模原位净水系统。该系统由主河道至人工河道依次设置第一净水区、第二净水区和第三净水区,人工河道为饮用水水源区。研究结果表明:经过净化,人工河道中的水质在各项检测指标上均有明显改善,特别是浊度及铬、铜、锌等重金属污染物含量大幅下降,其中浊度从24.0NTU下降至1.85NTU,铬含量从0.017mg·L~(-1)下降至0.001mg·L~(-1),铜含量从0.016mg·L~(-1)下降至0.008mg·L~(-1),锌含量从0.066mg·L~(-1)下降至0.022mg·L~(-1),其含量均从符合《地表水环境质量标准》GB3838—2002的Ⅱ类限值提高至符合Ⅰ类限值。该净水方法是在主河道长期冲流而成的沙洲上严格划分净水治理区域,基于河道水文特征和地势特点进行侧渗水原位净化处理,本身依托并利用了河道堤坝的建设,在河道原址进行净化而不需要再另外选址,不仅解决了运送传输问题,而且提高了处理量和处理效率,真正实现水源的原位规模化净化处理。 In order to explore the effect of large-scale in-situ water purification system and water purification method in river water sources, this paper builds a large-scale in-situ water purification system based on the existing dam construction requirements in the Yellow River (Hancheng-Heyang section of Shaanxi Province). The system comprises a first water purification zone, a second water purification zone and a third water purification zone arranged from the main river course to the artificial river course, and the artificial river course is a drinking water source area. The results show that after purification, the water quality in artificial channels has been significantly improved in various indicators, especially turbidity and the content of heavy metal pollutants such as chromium, copper and zinc dropped sharply, the turbidity decreased from 24.0NTU to 1.85 NTU, the content of chromium decreased from 0.017 mg · L -1 to 0.001 mg · L -1, the content of copper decreased from 0.016 mg · L -1 to 0.008 mg · L -1, The content of zinc decreased from 0.066mg · L -1 to 0.022mg · L -1, and the content of Zn increased from Class II of GB3838-2002 which meets the “Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard” value. The method of water purification is to strictly divide the water treatment area on the sandbank which is formed by long-term flushing of the main river, and to carry out the in-situ water purification of the seepage water based on the hydrological characteristics of the river and the topographic features. It relies on and utilizes the construction of the river channel dam, Purification of the original site without the need for another site selection, not only to solve the transport and transmission problems, but also to improve the throughput and processing efficiency, the real water purification in situ large-scale treatment.
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在小区大门外,也能看见那棵树。这么远看起来,那棵树真小,树干好细。  这是个新小区,物业管得严,进出大门得有门卡。他的家不在这个小区里,他没有门卡,不能随便出入。门卫室里坐着的大爷脸沉沉的,他在大门外张望的时候,目光一碰到那张脸,就觉得像是要审他,问他为什么要来这里。吓得他全忘了事先在心里想好的话,低着头躲到一边儿去。  可是他真想进那个院子里去,去一下就行,不多呆,看一眼就出来,看一眼那棵树,到
水上公园座落在天津市区西南部,北临复康路,东近津盐公路,西、南两面均毗邻西郊区,距离市中心约5.5公里(图1)。 这里原是一片取土烧砖的窑坑洼地,人烟稀少,十分荒凉。解放后
二十世纪八十年代,企业合并发展到了“为增长而合并”的阶段,而产品多元化正是“借集团经营方式追求增长”的一种重要策略。著名的自由派经济学家莱斯特·瑟洛(Lester Thuro
大嘴兔子珍藏着一张照片,那是她和姥姥在菜园里的合影。现在,姥姥去世了,可是,她永远忘不了姥姥讲的那些菜园里的故事。  有一天,姥姥正在拔胡萝卜,她举起一根长须飘飘的胡萝卜,压低声音说:“你看这些胡萝卜须,长长的,这是被拔断了,在土里的时候,须子更长,世界上所有的胡萝卜须都是连在一起的,世界各地的消息它们全知道。”  “它们什么时候沟通消息呀?”大嘴兔子好奇地问。  姥姥把胡萝卜放进筐里,“晚上,你