中国印染行业协会 联合五省一市20家大型企业共同发出节能、减排倡议书

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4月29日,中国纺织工业协会副会长杨东辉召集所属12个专业协会主要负责人,传达温家宝总理在全国节能减排工作电视电话会议上的讲话精神和工作要求,学习国务院七部委有关环保专项行动的文件,动员部署行业节能减排工作。会议要求,各专业协会要切实增强责任感,结合纺织行业的特点,把节能减排作为结构调整的突破口和重要抓手,围绕行业自律和科技进步,扎扎实实地开展工作,通过不懈努力,确保“十一五”节能减排目标的实现,使纺织经济增长建立在节能减排的基础之上。一个月来,各专业协会正在积极行动起来,落实会议精神,有步骤地推进节能减排工作。 On April 29, Yang Donghui, vice chairman of China National Textile and Apparel Council, convened the chief executives of 12 professional associations to convey Premier Wen Jiabao’s speech and work requirements at the national teleconference on energy conservation and emission reduction. Action document, mobilize the deployment of energy-saving emission reduction work in the industry. The meeting called for all professional associations to effectively enhance their sense of responsibility. In combination with the characteristics of the textile industry, energy conservation and emission reduction should be taken as a breakthrough point and an important starting point for structural adjustment. Around the industry self-discipline and scientific and technological progress, the work should be carried out in a down-to-earth manner. Through unremitting efforts, Eleventh Five-Year "energy-saving emission reduction targets to achieve, the economic growth of the textile based on energy-saving emission reduction basis. In the past month, various professional associations are taking active steps to implement the spirit of the conference and promote energy conservation and emission reduction in a step-by-step manner.
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