Coaggregating tendencies of the culprits of arteriosclerosis, the triglycerides and cholesterols. Is

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hefang1986
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Arteriosclerosis is an extremely complicated multicausal phenomenon.yet a chemist calfstill choose to address a much simpler question that is pertinent to this phenomenon.Thequestion is:“Do culprit molecules of arteriosclerosis possess a measurable inherent propertyWhich is of relevance to their ability to cause arteriosclerosis?”We suggest that the coaggre-gating tendency might be such a property and have developed a methodology for measuringit.This paper also reports a surprising new observation,i.e., the coaggregating tendencymight be greatly affected by the “foldability” of the hydrocarbon chain. Arteriosclerosis is an extremely complicated multicausal phenomenon. Aet a chemist calfstill choose to address a much simpler question that is pertinent to this phenomenon. .question is: “do culprit molecules of arteriosclerosis possess a measurable inherent propertyWhich is of relevance to their ability to cause arteriosclerosis?” “We suggest that the coaggre-gating tendency might be such a property and have developed a methodology for measuring this. This paper also reports a surprising new observation, ie, the coaggregating tendency greatly affected by the” “foldability” of the hydrocarbon chain .
K_6CrNb_(15)O_(42)crystallizes in the hexagonal system with a=9.126(3)A,c=12.068(3)A,V=870.4(5)A~3,and space group P6_2/mcm,Z=1.The structure was solved using
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跑步的时候,人们总觉得几百米的短跑更容易,而几千米甚至几十千米的长跑是件很难的事。但科学家研究发现,其实跑那种超长距离的会让人精疲力竭的马拉松,对人造成的损失和伤害要比短距离跑步小得多。这是因为短跑虽然距离不长,但是需要肌肉在短时间内爆发最大的力度,以获取最快的速度,而且在跑步过程中这种紧张的状态一直都不能得到缓解。  而长跑所需要的更多的是耐力和对节奏的掌握,肌肉不需要过度紧张,而且还有一些休息
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