Batch proxy quantum blind signature scheme

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Motivated by proxy signature and blind signature for the secure communications,the batch signature is proposed to create a novel quantum cryptosystem.It is based on three-dimensional two-particle-entangled quantum system which is used to distribute the quantum keys and create strings of quantum-trits(qutrits) for messages.All of the messages,which are expected to be signed,are encrypted by the private key of the message owner during communications.Different from the classical blind signature,an authenticity verification of signatures and an arbitrator’s efficient batch proxy signature are simultaneously applied in the present scheme.Analysis of security and efficiency shows that it enables us to achieve a large number of quantum blind signatures for quantities of messages with a high efficiency with the arbitrator’s secure batch proxy blind signature. Motivated by proxy signature and blind signature for the secure communications, the batch signature is proposed to create a novel quantum cryptosystem. It is based on three-dimensional two-particle-entangled quantum system which is used to distribute the quantum keys and create strings of quantum-trits (qutrits) for messages. All of the messages, which are expected to be signed, are encrypted by the private key of the message owner during communications. Different from the classical blind signature, an authenticity of the signatures and an arbitrator’s efficient batch proxy signature are simultaneously applied in the present scheme. Analysis of security and efficiency shows that it enables enables to achieve a large number of quantum blind signatures for quantities of messages with a high efficiency with the arbitrator’s secure batch proxy blind signature.
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