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一在厦门大学的一间教室里,来了一位背相机的中年人。他和同学们坐在一起,一边倾听着著名经济学家王亚南教授讲课,一边不停地打量着教授,从教授讲课的动作中捕捉着什么。他两次站起来,举起相机,但没有拍,又坐了下来。直到第三次,他才按下了相机的快门,拍下了教授讲课时富有个性的神态。这位中年人对自己刚开始实践抓拍,显得有点紧张,但这 A classroom in Xiamen University, came a middle-aged back camera. He and his classmates sat together while listening to the famous economist Professor Wang Yaonan lectures, while constantly looking at the professor, from the professor lecturing action to capture what. He stood up twice, raised his camera, but did not shoot and sat down again. Until the third time, he pressed the shutter of the camera and photographed the professor with his own demeanor. The middle-aged man was just a little nervous about how he had just begun to practice it
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The liver is the largest inteal organ in mammals, and is important for the maintenance of normal physiological functions of other tissues and organs. Hepatitis,