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  When I was growing up, there was a pizza shop right down the street from me. The pizza shop was 1 by a Chinese woman who opened the place around 11:00 am and closed it around midnight every day. The food was 2 , and its portions (食物的一份) were a right size. As far as I knew, the menu never 3 . The woman would take a(n) 4 and then return to the kitchen and make it while the customer stood 5 at the counter.
  One day the woman 6 the pizza shop to a man. The man 7 on running the pizza shop with his wife. I was around fifteen and one day I went inside the pizza shop and began talking with the new owners. Within minutes of my starting the 8 , the man and his wife offered me a 9 . They’d printed many paper menus and they wanted me to hang them on the doors in the area.
  I enjoyed the work as it was fun. As I did this with them one Sunday afternoon, they told me about how 10 the Chinese woman had been. They told me she used too expensive cheese. They were planning to stop 11 chicken because chicken was expensive and pizza was really 12 to make. They were 13 the business was going to be a cash cow for them.
  As I listened to all this, I decided these people must be very smart. 14 , within several months, they were out of 15 completely, and the pizza place sat there vacant for over a year. 16 , it was turned into flooring store. The new owners thought only about how the business could 17 them, and how they could reduce 18 to fatten their own wallets. This is why they ended up 19 . After all, everyone loves people and businesses that are more 20 with serving others than themselves.
  1. A. purchased B. expanded C. operated D. frequented
  2. A. good B. rich C. simple D. adequate
  3. A. improved B. broadened C. worsened D. changed
  4. A. order B. chance C. walk D. picture
  5. A. resting B. listening C. waiting D. observing
  6. A. showed B. sold C. referred D. donated
  7. A. focused B. went C. insisted D. planned
  8. A. trade B. argument C. discussion D. deal
  9. A. recommendation B. job C. task D. reward
  10. A. stupid B. intelligent C. awkward D. hardworking
  11. A. preparing B. buying C. serving D. consuming
  12. A. swift B. cheap C. interesting D. convenient
  13. A. worried B. lucky C. hopeful D. sure
  14. A. Instead B. Additionally C. However D. Consequently   15. A. business B. sight C. place D. control
  16. A. Unfortunately B. Instantly C. Suddenly D. Eventually
  17. A. influence B. benefit C. promote D. involve
  18. A. costs B. bills C. prices D. materials
  19. A. declining B. quitting C. failing D. compromising
  20. A. satisfied B. concerned C. patient D. familiar
  Ryan Hickman was born in an American family. When he was three years old, Ryan Hickman visited a 1 center in California and found what he wanted to do most. 2 , the next day as he greeted his dad, Damion, he made a(n) 3 . “I’m going to 4 all the bottles and cans from everyone in the neighborhood. I’ll start a new 5 myself!”
  It’s never too 6 to start a business, though there’re no other staff but himself when the company was started. Today, Ryan, aged seven, the world’s 7 garbage man, is the CEO, manager and 8 of Ryan’s recycling company. Though Ryan says he doesn’t remember what made it all start, he remains 9 about what he is doing. When questioned why he did so, he said, “It’s because 10 get to the ocean, and then animals get sick and die.” Ryan’s neighbors have been 11 to the little boy’s knocking for their recycled goods. More and more 12 ones call to ask for a pickup or even 13 down bags of bottles and cans at Hickmans’ door. At school, Ryan’s favorite activity is helping the dustmen 14 the trash (垃圾) and taking away the recyclable. “My wife and I support him and we told him that whenever he wants to 15 , he can,” Damion said. “I want to see him with friends, but the recycling just makes him 16 . He has actually 17 five of his friends to join him.”
  According to Damion, Ryan has 18 over $11,000 through recycling bottles and cans. Ryan says he wants to buy a large trash truck to be 19 with enough garbage and become a 20 garbage man.
  1. A. delivering B. recycling    C. financial D. industrial
  2. A. Amazingly  B. Fortunately    C. Simply      D. Ridiculously
  3. A. suggestion B. announcement  C. speech      D. explanation
  4. A. figure out    B. search for    C. focus on    D. pick up
  5. A. task  B. study    C. business    D. campaign
  6. A. old    B. early    C. weak      D. bad
  7. A. cleverest    B. busiest    C. youngest D. wealthiest   8. A. customer    B. interviewer    C. trainee    D. employee
  9. A. enthusiastic  B. energetic    C. calm    D. comfortable
  10. A. goods    B. bags    C. boxes    D. bottles
  11. A. opposed    B. supposed    C. accustomed    D. devoted
  12. A. supportive    B. attractive  C. aggressive    D. impressive
  13. A. take  B. bring C. lay    D. knock
  14. A. desert    B. separate    C. circulate      D. clean
  15. A. quit    B. continue    C. start      D. back
  16. A. relaxed    B. impressed    C. delighted    D. skilled
  17. A. persuaded  B. urged    C. forced      D. instructed
  18. A. raised    B. saved    C. won      D. spent
  19. A. surrounded  B. covered C. equipped    D. loaded
  20. A. proud  B. generous    C. rich    D. true
  One afternoon, I was walking with Evan on the second floor. I talked on and on and Evan walked 1 in front of me. As we turned a corner, Evan 2 to me and said the ten words. “Why are you talking to me? I’m not your friend.” Those were the exact words he said to me that day. I stood there 3 . He kept walking and never looked back. I 4 to my next class with tears coming up in my eyes.
  We 5 spoke to each other after that. I 6 into a shell, like a turtle, to hide from the world. For the rest of my time in middle school, I didn’t 7 myself to get close to anyone. I push away most of my friends for 8 of being hurt again. I avoided unnecessary 9 .
  It wasn’t until high school that I was able to 10 my head out of my shell and began 11 people again. But even today, I am still 12 about choosing who I open up to. It takes me a very long time to 13 up to someone.
  I was twelve then. I was too trusting and I took what Evan said 14 . Maybe he was having a bad day or maybe I was really 15 too much. In my view, what he said to me that day 16 the course of my life, but if it weren’t for that 17 , I wouldn’t have met my best friends in high school.
  I understand that, in middle school, we were all young. I’ve been able to 18 all the people who bullied (欺凌) me, but for some 19 I can’t seem to forgive Evan. Those words that day hurt me more than anything. I believe that one day I’ll be 20 enough to forgive Evan too. But right now I’m still that twelve-year-old running down the hall with tears filled with his eyes.   1. A. silently    B. carefully C. suddenly D. happily
  2. A. replied    B. shouted C. turned      D. pointed
  3. A. astonished    B. excited C. frightened    D. amused
  4. A. came back    B. gave in    C. made faces    D. ran off
  5. A. frequently    B. willingly    C. attentively    D. rarely
  6. A. looked    B. broke    C. escaped    D. burst
  7. A. forbid B. allow    C. expect    D. force
  8. A. fear    B. memory    C. favor    D. sense
  9. A. outings    B. conversations C. lessons    D. friends
  10. A. remain    B. stick    C. keep    D. hide
  11. A. suspecting    B. refusing    C. admiring    D. trusting
  12. A. cautious    B. crazy    C. curious    D. certain
  13. A. give    B. build    C. put    D. warm
  14. A. seriously    B. wrongly    C. personally    D. easily
  15. A. eating    B. talking    C. weeping    D. walking
  16. A. changed    B. colored C. developed    D. expanded
  17. A. accident    B. argument    C. incident    D. fight
  18. A. forget    B. understand    C. ignore    D. forgive
  19. A. trouble    B. reason    C. idea    D. view
  20. A. warm-hearted    B. clever    C. mature    D. determined
  One summer day, I drove along our main street as a horrible and sudden shower threatened (即將来临). The sky 1 and the wind swept along warningly. I 2 to the side of the street. A pick-up truck parked ahead of me. 3 to the weather in its body were the family’s entire 4 : mattresses (床垫), baskets, boxes of clothing, and other household goods.
  “Oh my, those poor people,” I thought, 5   children in the seat of the truck. They were obviously 6 from one home to another and their belongings, shabby though they were, were going to get completely 7 !
  Just then a little old lady ran by me and into a variety store before which we all parked to wait out the 8 . In minutes, she was out, 9 a package containing a huge sheet of plastic. She 10 tapped on the window of the truck and gestured the 11 driver out. Between them, they spread the 12 over the entire load in the body of the truck!   The wind blew in a 13 fashion and rain came pouring down. 14 the heavy wind, the two women managed to weigh down its corners and edges, thereby (因此) providing 15 for the family’s belongings.
  Everyone back inside their 16 sat out the brief storm. The sun broke out in all its glory. I 17 my window as the old lady and the young mother 18 at the back of the pick-up. And I heard the little old lady say, “Don’t 19 me. Just pass it on when you have the 20 to lend a hand.”
  1. A. cleared    B. lightened  C. paled        D. darkened
  2. A. pointed    B. kept    C. sticked D. pulled
  3. A. Open    B. Accustomed    C. Subject    D. Due
  4. A. furniture    B. belongings    C. fortune    D. collections
  5. A. leaving    B. observing    C. ignoring      D. amusing
  6. A. moving    B. waking    C. switching      D. dragging
  7. A. dirty      B. burned      C. wet          D. stolen
  8. A. danger      B. night      C. storm        D. fog
  9. A. destroying    B. lifting    C. sending    D. waving
  10. A. elegantly    B. randomly    C. hopefully  D. busily
  11. A. girl B. woman    C. child D. teen
  12. A. towel B. blanket    C. clothing D. covering
  13. A. gentle    B. regular    C. crazy        D. steady
  14. A. Fighting    B. Using    C. Accepting        D. Following
  15. A. storage    B. protection    C. insurance        D. transport
  16. A. vehicles      B. stores      C. cafes          D. offices
  17. A. broke through    B. looked in    C. rolled down    D. wound up
  18. A. whispered    B. stayed    C. argued        D. met
  19. A. praise    B. respect    C. thank        D. help
  20. A. chance    B. responsibility    C. patience    D. qualification   (五)
  My brother Ken was born with a brain disease. Though Mama was extremely 1 , she never babied Ken. She 2 him to do whatever we did.
  I remember once we got a slide in our backyard. Ken was 3 at first sight. But unable to 4 the steps with the braces (支架) on his legs, Ken could 5 look up at the rest of us from the ground.
  One day, Mama put Ken in the backyard, this time without his braces, and watched him 6 with great difficulty right over to the 7 . For the next three hours, Ken climbed the ladder and fell, climbed the ladder and fell, time and again. He skinned his knees, and his head was 8 .
  Our neighbor 9 at Mama, “What kind of woman are you? Look at the blood. Get that boy off that 10 !” Mama told her kindly that if it 11 her, she would have to close her curtains. Ken had 12 to go down the slide, and down the slide he would go. It took a couple of days of 13 before he could go up the ladder and down the slide as well as the rest of us, and another week before he could do it with his braces on.
  Ken was not supposed to make it to his tenth birthday but he has 14 his disease and is now a 42-year-old man who lives 15 and even holds down a job. He 16 everything the way he did that slide so many years ago. What a(n) 17 Mama gave him that day by expecting him to be the 18 he could be.
  Though I often feel I fall short when I compare my 19 to hers, it gives me great comfort to know that her spirit is within me, somewhere— 20 me to make “mothering magic” of my own.
  1. A. loving B. generous C. selfless D. considerate
  2. A. forced B. persuaded C. invited D. expected
  3. A. addicted B. annoyed C. attracted D. astonished
  4. A. manage B. see C. remove D. reach
  5. A. almost B. only C. seldom D. never
  6. A. run B. move C. jump D. ride
  7. A. brace B. curtain C. slide D. backyard
  8. A. nodding B. shaking C. bleeding D. spinning
  9. A. aimed B. glanced C. laughed D. yelled
  10. A. tree B. chair C. roof D. ladder
  11. A. disappointed B. scared C. failed D. bothered
  12. A. decided B. agreed C. pretended D. hesitated
  13. A. walking B. trying C. training D. observing
  14. A. focused on B. worried about C. suffered from D. lived with
  15. A. simply B. painfully C. independently D. hopelessly
  16. A. loses B. approaches C. accepts D. misses
  17. A. promise B. gift C. award D. suggestion   18. A. healthiest B. happiest C. best D. fastest
  19. A. mothering B. schooling C. suffering D. belonging
  20. A. preparing B. advising C. helping D. forbidding
  I met a friend and her friend to go on a hike. After a(n) 1 walk along beautiful trails (小路), we decided to go for dinner and I 2 a cafe. When we entered, it seemed that there were no tables or at least no 3 for three people to sit together. We 4 and found there were lots of people 5 alone at tables for two, and then a gentleman came up and said if we didn’t 6 waiting a bit he would move his papers and re-seat himself so that we could sit at his table.
  We were very 7 at his kind gesture and 8 accepted. Looking a bit closer it seemed that he may have been 9 and I thanked him and asked if I could buy him a coffee—he politely 10 but thanked me for the 11 .
  So we friends 12 our dinner and conversation and I went up to the counter to get dessert for us to share, and I 13 out a huge chocolate cake with walnuts for the man. When I 14 it in front of him and said that it was my 15 to thank him for being so 16 to us, he said something about me having angel wings and I just smiled—we 17 names and smiles. After we finished and were 18 , I thanked him again by 19 and wished him a good evening. It was kindness all around.
  The true “soul force” 20 through anyone and folks who are willing and able to see that they are blessed.
  1. A. tiring  B. lovely  C. amazing  D. curious
  2. A. remembered  B. passed  C. liked D. suggested
  3. A. space  B. time  C. ways  D. chairs
  4. A. looked around  B. rushed out  C. went on D. thought over
  5. A. standing  B. waiting  C. sitting  D. playing
  6. A. risk  B. mind  C. avoid  D. consider
  7. A. excited  B. satisfied  C. shocked  D. moved
  8. A. gratefully  B. cautiously  C. hurriedly  D. repeatedly
  9. A. hopeless  B. restless  C. homeless  D. careless
  10. A. interrupted  B. apologized  C. admitted  D. refused
  11. A. offer  B. seat  C. invitation  D. forgiveness
  12. A. missed  B. spared  C. accomplished  D. enjoyed
  13. A. found  B. picked C. brought D. carried
  14. A. placed  B. ordered  C. dropped  D. shared
到初三,按老规矩我换了寝室,还接到一个不小的任务——当寝室长。从铺好被子那刻起,我的寝室长生活便正式开始。  “快十点了,快……”听着门外老师的“河东狮吼”,急得我像是热锅上的蚂蚁。可二号床的那位就是不肯快,依旧慢悠悠地端着脸盆晃来晃去。“快点,老师说要扣分了!”  “别烦了,我不是在快吗?”一声恼火的低语让我住口,只听见她抓住柜门用力一推,“嘭”的一声,在我背后响起。随着灯光的熄灭,我钻进被窝,
看到这个题目,看过《碧血剑》的人一定会联想起那个九公主吧。当然,此阿九非彼阿九也。  阿九出生的时候,原本父母给她取名叫胡俊俏,但阴差阳错,户口本上填了胡俊巧,于是,她就叫胡俊巧了。我惊奇地发现,如果是胡俊俏,三个字都是九画。我马上联想起“九九九牌感冒灵”。但总不能叫她“感冒灵”吧,于是阿九这个名字“顺势而生”。  课间操有一节是把手举起再放下,重复四次。楠楠做操的时候手不举高,活像一只螃蟹在跳舞
夏日的阳光透过香樟树的叶子,留下一地的斑驳。  “扁头——”林小安踮起脚,挥挥右手,左手按着肩上不住往下滑的书包带朝我跑来,气喘吁吁地在我面前停下。  “干什么去了?”我问。  林小安一屁股坐在了亭子里的石椅上,“被老师叫去,聊了一会儿,发现他没有想象中那么糟糕。”  “说了什么?”我好奇。  “林小安同学啊,你要知道,作为一个女孩就要有女孩的样子,不要总在上课时睡觉,你要知道你的父母很辛苦……”
外面下着大雨,淅淅沥沥的雨声听起来像是歌声。  之所以会有这种感觉,是因为我在房间里折腾我的MP3。下载了几首歌,突然跳出一个对话框:“磁盘已经写满”。我才发现存的东西太多了,可是那些歌都是自己喜欢的,怎么舍得删掉!我向母亲抱怨播放器容量太小,并气愤地直接拔了连接线。这个粗暴的举动使得电脑发出令人厌烦的声音。尽和我作对,我想着,然后打开MP3,听第一首歌:《有一种爱叫做放手》,刚下载的,很喜欢它的
在超市里闲逛,随意拿起一件商品看,再放下去寻找另一件。想挑选当日的牛奶面包,因为它们的有效期是如此短暂,要买蓝罐曲奇,因为它们的保质期据说有99年呢!  “也只是说说而已。”我撇撇嘴,随手又拿起一件,“嗯?梦想?什么乱七八糟的!”我一边丢下它,一边开始赞叹商家的包装手段之高超,“可是我才不会上当呢,它都没印有效期。哈,骗谁呢,居然没有有效期!”  就是啊,骗谁呢!世间万物,哪一样没有有效期?一朵花