法国陆军正处在历史剧变时期,它将结束长达几个世纪的义务兵制,实行军队职业化,对陆军进行重建。其目标是把陆军建成一支少而精、“模块化”、反应灵敏,能迅速向海外投送的现代化部队。法国陆军重视武器装备的现代化,他们重点选购的武器项目主要有: 坦克与装甲车”勒克莱尔”主战坦克根据1997-2002年军事纲领法,陆军计划采购“勒克莱尔”主战坦克406辆,已经同生产厂签订了购买354辆该型
The French Army is in the midst of a period of historical upheaval, ending the centuries-old compulsory military service and practicing army specialization to rebuild the Army. The goal is to build the Army into a small but sophisticated “modular”, responsive, modern force capable of delivering rapidly overseas. The French Army attaches great importance to the modernization of weaponry. The key weapons they purchase include: Tanks and Armored Vehicles “Lecler” Main Battle Tanks According to the 1997-2002 military program, the Army plans to procure 406 “ML” main battle tanks, Has been signed with the manufacturer to buy 354 of the type