增强消防意识 注重安全防范——浏阳市房地产管理局抓综合治理成效显著

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俗话说,近朱者赤,位于浏阳市公安消防大队侧前方的浏阳市房地产管理局在投身城市建设,加强经营管理的同时,狠抓消防安全防范,对安全隐患进行及时整治,促进了经济的发展,取得了可喜的成绩。 浏阳市房地产管理局现有干部职工204人,拥有14个二级机构,主要从事房地产开发、经营、管理和服务。由于该局人员多,机构大,特别是下设的浏阳河批发市场拥有门面700多个,主要经营烟酒、副食、布匹、服装和家具,客流量大,来往人员复杂,且易燃易爆物品多,安全隐患较多。为确保各项经营管理工作正常运转,将安全隐患防患于未然,浏阳市房地局党组、行政非常重视,多次召开党组、行政办公会议,专题研究消防安全问题,并进行了精心安排和布署。首先,成立了以党组书记、局长袁念收同志为组长,各二级机构负责人为成员的综合治理领导小组,负责全局 As the saying goes, near Zhu who red, located in Liuyang City Public Security Fire Brigade in front of the side of Liuyang City Real Estate Authority to join the urban construction and strengthen management at the same time, pay close attention to fire safety precautions, timely rectification of security risks and promote economic Development, has made gratifying achievements. Liuyang City Real Estate Authority 204 existing cadres and workers, with 14 secondary agencies, mainly engaged in real estate development, management, management and services. Owing to its large staff and large institutions, especially the Liuyanghe Wholesale Market, which has more than 700 facades, its main business is tobacco and alcohol, non-staple food, cloth, garments and furniture, with large passenger flow, complicated personnel exchanges and flammable and explosive Many items, more security risks. In order to ensure the normal operation of the management and operation and take precautionary measures against potential safety problems, Liuyang City Bureau of Land and Resources has attached great importance to the party groups and administrations and held many party meetings and administrative meetings to study the fire safety issues and conducted careful planning and coordination Deploy. First of all, the leadership team for comprehensive management, with party secretary and director Yuan Nai-shun comrades as its leader and members in charge of the second-level agencies as its members, was established, taking charge of the overall situation
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雍正初年发生的罗兴华事件,红学界几乎没有人予以注意。本文搜罗有关史志资料,对这个事件的前因后果作了考查,并指出它与曹雪芹家世及《红楼梦》的重要关系。 Luo Xinghua happ