黄渤海蓝点马鲛Scomberomorus niphonius(Cuvier et Valenciennes)资源数量变动的研究

来源 :现代渔业信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skywing_wing
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本文根据1988—1994年监测结果,对黄渤海蓝点马鲛资源动态进行分析。蓝点马鲛产量波动在6.2—12.6万t,1990年疏目拖网捕捞蓝点马鲛之后,资源衰退,产卵群体资源量、补充群体资源量、亲体数量和世代发生量连年下降,同时渔业生物学特性也发生巨大变化,生长加快,性成熟年龄提前,1龄鱼成熟比例上升,产孵群体结构不稳定,平均单产连年减少。建议尽快制定蓝点马鲛管理法规,以10月21日至12月20日为可捕期,限制捕捞力量,加强资源动态监测,以达到其资源的合理利用, Based on the monitoring results of 1988-1994, this paper analyzes the dynamic of resources in the blue spot horseback in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. The production of blue point stirrup fluctuated between 62 and 126,000 t. After the sparse-head trawling in 1990, the resources declined, the resources of spawning population, the amount of supplementary population, the number of parents and the generation of the generation decreased year by year. At the same time, the fishery Biological characteristics have also undergone tremendous changes, growth accelerated, sexual maturity age earlier, the proportion of 1-year-old fish increased, the structure of the hatched population instability, the average yield decreased year after year. Proposed to develop blue point horse stirrup management regulations to October 21 to December 20 as a catchable period to limit the fishing effort to strengthen the dynamic monitoring of resources in order to achieve the rational use of its resources,
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