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白粉虱主要危害日光温室,因其个体小(仅1~1.5毫米),易忽视,并可传播病毒病。它群居于西红柿、黄瓜、茄子等蔬菜作物叶片下面,触动叶片则成群飞舞。幼虫伏在叶背面不动,卵如粉末状,一年中可繁殖10多代,危害极为严重,它分泌排泄出大量蜜露,造成叶片果实“煤污”状污染,使果实品质下降。综合防治方法: Whitefly major damage to solar greenhouse, because of its small individual (only 1 to 1.5 mm), easily overlooked and can spread viral diseases. It is a group of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant and other vegetable crops under the leaves, touch the leaves are flying in groups. The larvae are not moving on the back of the leaf. The eggs are powdery and can multiply more than 10 generations in a year. The damage is extremely serious. It secretes a large amount of honeydew and excretes a large amount of honeydew, resulting in “coal pollution” pollution of the leaf fruits, which reduces the quality of the fruit. Comprehensive prevention and treatment methods:
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防萝卜空心 萝卜快抽苔前,将叶子全部摘掉,保持相当一段时间才收获,既饱满又好吃;也可以萝卜出现2~3片真叶时到收获 Anti-radish radish fast bolting before the leaves al
她从小以 S.E.S 奉为自己的偶像和理想,后来曾是 SUPER JUNIOR、东方神起 MV 中清新脱俗的女主角,现在是韩国超人气新组合“少女时代”才华横溢的成员。她总在醒目的位置,展
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  Marine primary production has been estimated on the basis of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR,400-700 nm),while effects of UV radiation (280-400 nm)
防止杂菌污染是实现生料栽培平菇高产的重要环节。要达到优质、高产、高效的目的,应做好以下几方面工作。 1.净化栽培环境 即对栽培场所及周围环境进行彻底清理消毒灭菌治虫