
来源 :云南教育(中学教师) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinadyh
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新编初中语文课本中,文言文篇目明显增多,教学大纲虽然只要求让学生读懂,但对七年级学生来说,读懂实为不易,这就要求教师必须想方设法,领其入门。一、“读”字开路,激发兴趣七年级学生学文言文乃为启蒙,没有文言文语感,文字生疏,且无停顿断句常识。要让七年级学生学好文言文,良方之一就是“读”字开路。读法有多种,笔者重在领读、默读、朗读、齐读四种。文言句读与今有别,教师需多次领读,使学生学会断 In newly-built junior high school Chinese textbooks, the number of classical Chinese articles is obviously increased. Although the syllabus only requires the students to understand it, it is not easy for the seventh grade students to read and understand. This requires that teachers must find ways to get started. First, “read ” open the word, to stimulate interest seventh grade students learn classical Chinese is enlightenment, there is no sense of classical Chinese, text unfamiliar, and without stopping the sentence common sense. To make seventh grade students learn classical Chinese, one of the best ways to do it is to read the word “open”. Reading a variety of ways, the author focuses on reading, silent reading, reading, reading four kinds. Classical Chinese is different from today’s reading, teachers need multiple readings, so that students learn to break
概述贝母目前主要的药用品种及有效成分的多种药理作用 ,包括镇咳、祛痰、平喘、抗菌、镇静、镇痛、心血管、抗溃疡、抗血小板聚集、抗肿瘤等 ,为深入研究贝母属植物提供参考
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