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在戏曲发展史上,曾经发生一次重大转折,它以板式变化体制的出现为标志,导致第二代戏曲的诞生。目前戏曲艺术正面临着第二次转折,眼下的危机是第三代戏曲降生前的阵痛。为了预测这次转折的动向和趋势,需要对两次转折进行比较研究,从中把握戏曲艺术的发展规律,以便克服我们戏改工作中的盲目性。一从北宋到明末清初,在历时几百年的时间里,戏曲艺术经历了几次大的嬗变,由形成到取得高度发展,中间元杂剧和明传奇是两个高峰。清初至清中叶,传奇的发展处于停滞状态, In the history of the development of Chinese opera, a major turning point occurred. It marked the emergence of a plate-changing system and led to the birth of the second generation of opera. At present, drama art is facing a second turning point. The current crisis is the pain of the third generation drama. In order to predict the trend and trend of this turning point, we need to make a comparative study of the two turning points and grasp the law of development of drama art so as to overcome the blindness in our quarrel. From the Northern Song Dynasty to the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, the art of opera has undergone several major changes over several hundred years. From formation to attainment of a high degree of development, the mid-Yuan drama and Ming Dynasty are the two peaks. The early Qing Dynasty to the mid-Qing Dynasty, the legendary development is at a standstill,
【摘要】南唐后主李煜給我们留下了许多脍炙人口的优美诗词,许多经典之作还被选入教材,其中《虞美人》“雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改”一句中的“朱颜”一词在基础教育阶段的语文课本注释中解释为:“朱颜”即红颜,少女的代称,这里指南唐旧日的宫女,进而得出“朱颜改”“只是宫女们都老了”的结论。此外还有宫女已经换了等说法,这里究竟该做何解释?笔者觉得这些说法都有失偏颇或流于浅显,难以让人信服,值得商榷。  【关键
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