
来源 :语数外学习(高中版上旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catticc
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现今很多高中生英语写作水平低下,看到作文题目却想不到可以用的素材,好不容易找到写作素材却又编不出句子。因此,很多学生的作文一般都是敷衍了事,词汇贫乏,语句单一,语法混乱。针对当下高中生英语写作状况,教师可以以英语教材为写作的源泉,在教材中贯穿写作教学,让学生的作文有话可讲,有词可用。那么,教师应该如何从教材出发,让学生写出高质量的作文呢?一、挖掘教材词汇资源,扩充写作词汇量很多高中生的英语作文词汇贫乏,全文只有低级词汇,无高级词汇可以欣赏,遇到不会的单词找不到替 Nowadays many senior high school students have a low level of English writing and can not think of the materials they can use for their essay writing. Therefore, many students’ writing is generally perfunctory, lexical, single sentences, grammatical confusion. According to the current high school students English writing situation, teachers can use English textbooks as the source of writing in the teaching materials throughout the writing teaching, so that students can have a composition to speak, words available. So, teachers should start from the textbooks, so that students write high-quality essay? First, tap the vocabulary resources of teaching materials to expand the vocabulary of writing a lot of high school students’ English composition vocabulary is poor, the full text only low-level vocabulary, no senior vocabulary can appreciate, I can not find the words met