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范扬,1955年1月生于香港,祖籍江苏南通。1972年人南通市工艺美术研究所。1982年毕业于南京师范学院美术系。曾任南京师范大学美术学院院长、教授、博士生导师。现为中国国家画院国画院副院长,兼任南京书画院院长、中国艺术研究院研究员、中国教育学会美术教育专业委员会理事长,文化部优秀专家,享受国务院特殊津贴。刘文哲,1987年毕业于山西大学艺术系美术专业,1997年中央美术院版画系硕士研习,2004年进修于总过美术学院, Fan Yang, born in January 1955 in Hong Kong, native of Jiangsu Nantong. 1972 Nantong City Arts and Crafts Institute. In 1982 graduated from Nanjing Normal University Art Department. Former Nanjing Normal University Academy of Fine Arts, Professor, doctoral tutor. Now he is the vice president of Chinese Painting Academy of China National Academy of Painting, the director of Nanjing Painting and Calligraphy Institute, the researcher of China Art Research Institute, the chairman of Art Education Commission of China Education Association and the outstanding expert of the Ministry of Culture. He is also entitled to the special allowance of the State Council. Liu Wenzhe graduated from Fine Arts Department of Shanxi University in 1987, master’s degree of lithograph department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1997, major in Fine Arts Academy in 2004,
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扁鹊(公元前407-前310年),本姓秦,名越人,又号卢医,春秋战国时期的名医。因其医术高超,人们便借用上古神话中黄帝时候的神医“扁鹊”来称呼他。 Bian Que (407 BC - 310 BC)
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