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公司背景联想集团有限公司成立于1994年3月,作为因特网全面技术与服务的提供者,联想集团有限公司始终致力于民族信息产业的振兴和发展,并不断为用户提供领先的信息技术、丰富的信息产品和快捷高效的信息服务,从根本上推动互联网和电子商务在中国的应用普及。联想现已开发生产出台式电脑、笔记本电脑、服务器、主板、外设、手持接入设备、软件等产品,同时推出FM365.com大型综合网站及证券、教育等领域的垂直网站群和宽带网络等业务。联想集团有限公司在软件、QDI板卡业务上也得到了高速发展(99财年共实现电脑销量147.6万台,年增长87%)。目前联想在国内设有深圳分部、华北、华东、西南、西北、东北六个平台,在国外设有欧洲、美洲、亚太三个海外平台。同时,联想还在北京和广东惠阳各建有一个现代化的生产基地,年生产能力各达到200万台。 Company Background Lenovo Group Co., Ltd. was established in March 1994 as a comprehensive provider of Internet technology and services, Lenovo Group Co., Ltd. has always been committed to the revitalization and development of national information industry, and continue to provide users with leading information technology, rich Information products and efficient and efficient information services, fundamentally promote the Internet and e-commerce applications in China popularity. Lenovo has now developed and produced desktops, laptops, servers, motherboards, peripherals, handheld access devices and software, etc. At the same time, it has launched the FM365.com large-scale integrated website and vertical website groups such as securities and education and broadband networks. business. Lenovo Group Co., Ltd. in the software, QDI card business has also been rapid development (total sales in FY99 total sales of 147.6 million units of computers, an increase of 87%). At present, Lenovo has six platforms in Shenzhen, including North China, East China, Southwest China, Northwest China and Northeast China. It has three overseas platforms in Europe, America and Asia Pacific. At the same time, Lenovo also has a modern production base built in Beijing and Huiyang, Guangdong Province, each with an annual production capacity of 2 million units.
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