推动微企特色村建设 促进农业现代化发展

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2010年8月,重庆出台微型企业发展政策伊始,我们重庆市工商局万州区分局积极开展破解“三农”难题的有益探索,率先在铁峰乡桐元村培育种养殖微企131户,被媒体誉为“中国微企第一村”。2012年12月底,重庆市政府办公厅出台了专门文件,将发展微企特色村作为促进农业现代化的重要抓手,在全市范围内推广。一、锻造产业链条,发挥农民主体作用一是实行“微企+合作社+龙头企业”微企特色村运作机制,即将达到规模要求的种养殖大户培育成微型企业,再由微型企业与龙头企业进行对接,或者通过加入农民专业合作社与龙头企 In August 2010, at the very beginning of the introduction of the micro-enterprise development policy in Chongqing, the Chongqing Branch of Wanzhou Branch of Commerce and Industry Bureau actively explored the difficult issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. It took the lead in cultivating 131 micro-enterprises for breeding and breeding in Tongyuan Village, Tiefeng Township. , The media as “the first micro-enterprise in China ”. At the end of December 2012, the Chongqing Municipal Government General Office issued special documents to promote the development of micro-featured villages as an important starting point for the promotion of agricultural modernization and promotion within the city. I. Forging the industrial chain and giving full play to the main role of peasants First, the implementation of the operating mechanism of “micro-enterprises + cooperatives + leading enterprises” and “micro-enterprises with special villages” is about to breed the large-scale farming and breeding enterprises that meet the requirements of scale into micro-enterprises and then micro- Business docking, or by joining the farmers specialized cooperatives and leading enterprises
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农村麦场时遭火劫,损失惨重,这是一个不可忽视的问题。为了确保麦场安全,笔者以为应当做好以下工作: 一、提高认识,加强组织领导,及早部署。各乡镇和县直有关部门要把麦场防