Study on Chromosome Doubling for Haploid Produced by Wheat×Maize Crossing

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuvincent
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There is no spontaneous chromosome doubling in haploid plants produced by wheat X maize crossing. In order to obtain doubled haploid, two chromosome doubling methods were used. Results showed that: After adding colchicine solution directly into a medium for young embryos that had been cultured 7 days, frequencies of embryo germination in colchicine concentrations of 50mg/L, 100mg/L and 200mg/L were 32.1% , 26.4% and 16.3% , respectively, and frequencies of chromosome doubling were 85.3% , 100% and 50.0% , respectively. But in the control without colchicine, the frequency of embryo germination was 67.4% and no seed was setting. As the time of colchicine treatment increased from 24 to 72 hours, the frequency of embryo germination was reduced, and 24 hours had better results. After soaking seeding crowns and roots with colchicine solution of 500mg/L, 750mg/L and 1 000mg/L for 5 hours, the frequencies of doubling were 89.6%, 76.0% and 73.3%, respectively. By soaking crowns and roots of strong seedings with There is no spontaneous chromosome doubling in haploid plants produced by wheat X maize crossing. In order to obtain doubled haploid, two chromosome doubling methods were used. days, frequencies of embryo germination in colchicine concentrations of 50 mg / L, 100 mg / L and 200 mg / L were 32.1%, 26.4% and 16.3%, respectively, and frequencies of chromosome doubling were 85.3%, 100% and 50.0%, respectively. But in the control without colchicine, the frequency of embryo germination was 67.4% and no seed was setting. As the time of colchicine treatment increased from 24 to 72 hours, the frequency of embryo germination was reduced, and 24 hours had better results. After soaking seeding crowns and roots with colchicine solution of 500 mg / L, 750 mg / L and 1 000 mg / L for 5 hours, the frequencies of doubling were 89.6%, 76.0% and 73.3%, respectively. By soaking crowns and roots of str ong seedings with
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