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一、森林市场的几种主要形式森林即立木是一种特殊商品,它除了具有商品的一般属性外,还有其特殊属性。从自然属性看:①它是活立木,由此决定其交换只是占有权、经营权、使用权和处分权的转让,买者得到的是一份证书,证明其权属;②它有天然林和人工林之分,又有幼林、中林、近成过熟林之分,还有立地与交通等条件的差异,由此决定了作价的复杂性;③它 First, the forest market in several major forms Forest standing tree is a special commodity, which in addition to the general attributes of goods, but also has its special attributes. From the nature of the property to see: ① it is a living wood, which determines its exchange is only possession, management rights, use rights and the right to dispose of the right to buy, the buyer is a certificate of ownership; ② It has natural forest And the plantation of the points, there are young, middle forest, nearly mature forest points, as well as differences in site and traffic conditions, which determines the complexity of the price; ③ it
Nano-sized γ-alumina (γ-Al2O3) was first prepared by a precipitation method. Then, active component of cobalt and a series of alkaline- earth metal promoters
The activities of neutral,anionic,and cationic Au(111),Au(100),and Au(310) surfaces,as well as an Au adatom on Au(111) surface towards NO adsorption have been s
Once there was a princess.She was called Ann.ThePrincess Ann loved hiding.She hid in the garden and herfriends came and found her.Then her friends hid andshe f
They sparkle and glitter in thelight.No other rocks are sohard.They are very valu-able.It might cost thousands and thou-sands of dollars to buy just one.Mostar
Specific features of soil salinization in the Ekhiin-Gol oasis,one of the largest oasis in the Transaltai Gobi of Mongolia,were first studied in 1977.It was sho
1985年以来,木材需求过热价格节节上升令人眼花缭乱;可是从1 989年四季度开始,木材滞销又让人扑朔迷离。至1989年4月底,木材库存量在东北内蒙古林区比去年同期增加275万立方