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我国是世界最大的小麦生产和消费国,馒头和面条是我国的主要面食品.一般认为,硬度中等、蛋白质含量中等、面筋强度为中~中强的小麦适于制做北方馒头,蛋白质含量中等,面筋强度为中~强型的小麦适于生产挂面,挂面和馒头还要求面粉灰分低、白度高.我国北部冬麦区、黄淮麦区及春麦区的多数品种为中硬和较硬类型,但超过半数的南方冬小麦品种为软质型.我国小麦的蛋白质含量与国外小麦接近,但面筋质量差,因此不适宜制做面包.由于人口的增加,我国小麦消费将持续增长,但入关给我国小麦生产带来严峻挑战.除强调高产、优质、抗病和适应性外,还必须注意提高品种对资源的利用效率. China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of wheat, steamed bread and noodles are the main noodles in China.It is generally believed that medium hardness, moderate protein content, moderate to strong gluten strength of wheat is suitable for making northern steamed bread, medium protein content , Gluten strength of medium to strong type of wheat suitable for the production of noodles, noodles and bread also requires low flour ash, high whiteness.China’s northern winter wheat, Huanghuai wheat and spring wheat area most of the varieties in the hard and hard Type, but more than half of the southern winter wheat varieties are soft.While the protein content of wheat in our country is close to that of foreign wheat, but the gluten quality is poor, so it is not suitable for making bread.With the increase of population, the consumption of wheat in our country will continue to grow, In addition to emphasizing high yield, high quality, disease resistance and adaptability, we must also pay attention to improving the utilization efficiency of varieties for resources.