Geobiological approach to evaluating marine carbonate source rocks of hydrocarbon

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hblhzl_18
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Evaluating the pre-Jurassic marine source rocks in China has been difficult because these rocks are generally too highor over-maturated for most traditional methods to work.As to the remaining parameter TOC (%),its lower limit for recognizing the carbonate source rocks in China has been in dispute.Nineteen Phanerozoic sections in the Middle-Upper Yangtze Platform and the Guizhou-Hunan-Guangxi Basin have been studied in search for a different approach to complementing the traditional evaluation method for these source rocks.We have applied a geobiological approach to tracing the organic carbon (OC) output and accumulation from the living stage (primary productivity) to the post-mortem deposited remains,and finally to the preserved burial organics.Four biological and geological parameters are employed to represent the OC of the three stages.A series of proxies of these parameters are discussed and integrated to establish a geobiological evaluation system independent of TOC and other traditional methods.Here we use the Guangyuan section in Sichuan as an example for the geobiological evaluation.Our results indicate that in the argillaceous rocks,the geobiological parameters show the qualified source rocks in accordance with high TOC values;but in the carbonates,the good source rocks delineated by the geobiological parameters have a wide range of TOC,from 0.03% to 1.59%,mostly<0.3%.We suggest that it is still premature to set TOC=0.3% or 0.5% as the lower limit for the pre-Jurassic carbonate source rocks in South China. Evaluating the pre-Jurassic marine source rocks in China has been difficult because these rocks are generally too highor over-maturated for most traditional methods to work. As to the remaining parameter TOC (%), its lower limit for recognizing the carbonate source rocks in China has been in dispute. Nineteen Phanerozoic sections in the Middle-Upper Yangtze Platform and the Guizhou-Hunan-Guangxi Basin have been studied in search for a different approach to complementing the traditional evaluation method for these source rocks. We have applied a geobiological approach to tracing the organic carbon (OC) output and accumulation from the living stage (primary productivity) to the post-mortem deposited remains, and finally to the preserved burial organics. Flow biological and geological parameters are employed to represent the OC of the three stages .A series of proxies of these parameters are discussed and integrated to establish a geobiological evaluation system independent of TOC and other trad itional methods. Here we use the Guangyuan section in Sichuan as an example for the geobiological evaluation. Our results indicate that in the argillaceous rocks, the geobiological parameters show the qualified source rocks in accordance with high TOC values; but in the carbonates, the good Source rocks delineated by the geobiological parameters have a wide range of TOC, from 0.03% to 1.59%, mostly <0.3% .We suggest that it is still premature to set TOC = 0.3% or 0.5% as the lower limit for the pre- Jurassic carbonate source rocks in South China.
一冷一热,西方媒体的傲慢、偏见与虚伪,备受质疑2014年10月17日以来,英国数百名反政府示威者聚集在伦敦议会广场,举行“占领民主”(Occupy Democracy)运动,抗议英国政府的腐
忽必烈问马可·波罗:“回到西方后,你还会把给我讲的故事再讲给你们那里的人听吗?”  “会啊,”马可·波罗回答,“但是听的人只记着他希望听到的东西。你以慈悲側耳倾听我描述的是一个世界;我回家后,第二天在搬运工和贡多拉船夫中流传的却是另外一个世界;而我晚年如果成了热那亚海盗的俘虏,跟一位传奇小说家同囚一室,口述一次,那又将是另外一个世界。掌控故事的不是声音,而是耳朵。”  (程晓东荐)