
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maoloye
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为获得移动荷载引起的加速度的空间分布,基于多尺度和精细化建模技术,建立了350 km/h的双线高速铁路轨道–扣件–轨枕–轨道板–CA砂浆层–底座板–基床表层–基床底层–路基本体–地基为一体的耦合大系统非线性真三维数值分析模型。采用动接触算法模拟底座板底面和基床表层表面之间的动力相互作用,采用三维黏弹性静–动力统一人工边界技术模拟无限地基的辐射阻尼和弹性恢复性能,考虑移动荷载作用前路基中客观的静应力状态对后续动力计算的影响和地基土、路基填筑材料的非线性,借助于大规模并行计算技术,模拟了地基的初始应力场生成、轨道系统和路基的施工过程和随后8辆编组高速动车组的运行过程。基于分析结果,总结了轨道–路基–地基系统各部分的振动加速度在时间和空间上的分布特征,验证了实体单元模拟轨道空间振动响应的优势。 In order to obtain the spatial distribution of acceleration caused by moving loads, a 350 km / h double-track high speed railway track-fastener-sleeper-track plate-CA mortar layer-base plate-base was established based on multi-scale and refined modeling techniques Bed surface layer - bottom of bed - basic subgrade - foundation as a whole nonlinear three - dimensional numerical analysis model of large - scale coupled system. The dynamic contact between the bottom surface of the base plate and the surface of the bed is simulated by the dynamic contact method. The three-dimensional visco-elastic static-dynamic unified artificial boundary technique is used to simulate the radiative damping and elastic recovery of an infinite foundation. Considering the objective Of the static stress state on the follow-up power calculation and foundation soil, roadbed filling materials nonlinear, with the help of large-scale parallel computing technology to simulate the foundation of the initial stress field generation, the track system and subgrade construction process and the subsequent 8 Grouping high-speed EMU operation process. Based on the analysis results, the distribution characteristics of the vibration acceleration in various parts of the track-subgrade-foundation system are summarized, and the advantages of the simulation of the space vibration response of the solid element are verified.
为调查鲍曼不动杆菌在医院感染中的流行情况 ,分别采用抗生素敏感谱试验及重复PCR指纹技术对从 2 4名病人分离的 2 8株鲍曼不动杆菌作分型研究。结果发现 2 8株共分成 3种抗
“丁零零,丁零零……”下课的铃(línɡ)声刚响,我们班里的男同学便像离弦的箭一样冲(chōnɡ)出教室,来到了“挤油”根据(jù)地——教室外的墙壁(qiánɡ bì)旁,准备开始新一轮的“挤油”比赛。  说起“挤油”比赛,可真是太好玩了!我们班一共有15名男生,刚好能平均分成3个队,先是1队和2队比赛,获胜队再和3队比赛。比赛前,先在墙上用粉(fěn)笔画一条竖线作分界(jiè)线,参赛的两队
采用阴极电弧蒸镀在WC-Co硬质合金基体上沉积Ti_(0.45)Al_(0.55N)、Ti_(0.35)Al_(0.55)Si_(0.1)N和Ti_(0.3)Al_(0.55)Cr_(0.15)N涂层,并在900℃下对涂层试样真空退火30 min和