
来源 :疾病监测 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Z_PEPSI
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为了解应急接种控制麻疹暴发流行的效果,对1992年度中国矿大一起麻疹暴发疫情,采用 ELISA 试验检测应急接种前后麻疹 ELISA IgG 抗体,结合现场流行病学调查,显示此次应急接种有效地平均潜伏期内终止流行;麻疹抗体阳性率由免前的69.23%上升到100.00%,GMT从1:39.18升至1:1225.57,平均跳高31.28倍,免疫成功率达100%;存在基础抗体者能较快激发到高抗体水平。同时提示当前大学生麻疹抗体水平普遍低下,亟待加强对入学新生的免疫监测及麻疹疫苗强化免疫工作。 In order to understand the effect of emergency vaccination to control the outbreak of measles, an outbreak of measles outbreak was reported to China University of Mining and Technology in 1992, and the ELISA test was used to detect the measles ELISA IgG antibody before and after inoculation. Combined with the field epidemiological survey, the average incubation period The prevalence of measles antibody increased from 69.23% to 100.00%, the GMT increased from 1: 39.18 to 1: 1225.57 with an average jump of 31.28 times and the successful rate of immunization was 100% To high antibody levels. At the same time, it is suggested that the prevalence of measles antibody in college students is generally low, so it is urgent to strengthen the immunological surveillance of newly recruited students and the intensive immunization of measles vaccine.
目的 观察盐酸西替利嗪滴剂联合孟鲁司特钠咀嚼片治疗儿童咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)的临床疗效及安全性.方法 将110例CVA患儿随机分为对照组和试验组,每组55例.对照组给予孟鲁司特