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近年来我国区域差距演变呈现出新特点:以2003年为拐点,省际差距、东中西三大地带间的差距趋于缩小。但从中长期看,能否保持这种趋势充满不确定性,它取决于未来中国经济增长的国内、国际环境。总体来看,在考虑缩小区域发展差距的优先次序时,应把缩小社会发展差距作为优先政策目标。逐步实现国家对西部地区基本公共服务的均等化,应当成为西部大开发战略的重要内容。 In recent years, the evolution of regional disparities in our country has taken on new characteristics. Taking 2003 as a turning point, the disparity between provinces and between the three major eastern, central and western regions tend to narrow. However, in the medium and long term, whether this trend can be maintained is full of uncertainty depends on the domestic and international environment for China’s economic growth in the future. In general, narrowing the disparity in social development should be the priority policy objective when considering the priority of narrowing the disparity in regional development. To gradually realize the national equalization of basic public services in the western region should become an important part of the strategy of developing the west.
“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下”是中国的一句古话,2005年,越来越多的IT富豪们把目光投向了公益慈善领域。 “The poor are the only one, Tatsu and the world” is an old
中华人民共和国农业植物品种保护名录(第六批)业经2005 年5月13日农业部第10次常务会议审议通过,现予发布施行。部长杜青林二○○五年五月二十日 The People’s Republic of
Look,this is my shadow(影子).It’s also my friend.Sometimes my shadow stays behind me.Sometimes my shadow walks in front of me.Sometimes my shadow grows small a
应水头镇政府的邀请,中国国际贸易促进委员会建筑 材料行业分会于2005年10月28日在南安市水头镇金明 大酒店举行了第十三届中国(上海)国际石材产品及石材 技术装备展览会(STO