
来源 :特区经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moniter2001
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一、必须深刻领会邓小平的经济特区建设思想 邓小平经济特区建设思想内容非常丰富,我们要特别把握如下四个方面的内容: 1、关于特区的地位、作用、意义及其探索精神。 1979年4月在北京召开的中央工作会议期间,邓小平同志同当时广东省委负责人进行了谈话,话题从延安谈起,谈到当年那么小小的一块边区,后来竟打出那么大的一片江山。不过,那里至今还很穷,老边区应当富起来。然后,他接着说:“你们上午的那小汇报不错嘛,在你们广东划出一块地方来,也搞一个特区,怎么样?“他继续说:“过去陕甘宁就是特区嘛。中央没有钱,你们自己去搞,杀出一条血路来。”笔者领会小平同志举办特区的初衷有三层意思: (1)小平同志把当年陕甘宁特区同全国解放联系起来,把创办经济特区同解决我国贫穷落后和建设社会主义现代化联系起来,即从特区试验开始,搞改革开放,建设有中国特色的社会主义。 (2)举办经济特区要杀出一条血路,即通过举办经济特区,杀出一条冲破闭关锁国,实行开放改革,在缺乏资金、技术和管理经验的贫穷落后的中国建设有中国特色社会主义的血路。 First, we must profoundly understand Deng Xiaoping’s thinking on the construction of special economic zones The content of Deng Xiaoping’s thinking on the construction of special economic zones is very rich. We should particularly grasp the following four aspects: 1. On the status, role, significance and exploration spirit of the SAR. During the Central Working Conference held in Beijing in April 1979, Comrade Deng Xiaoping held a talk with the person in charge of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee at the time. The topic was discussed from Yan’an. When it came to talking about such a small border area then it was such a big country . However, there is still very poor there, and the old border areas should be prosperous. Then he went on to say: “What is your little report in the morning? Well, what is the point of setting aside a place in your Guangdong province and engaging in a special zone?” He continued: "In the past, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia region was the special economic zone. I understand that the original intention of Comrade Xiaoping’s intention to host the HKSAR has three meanings: (1) Comrade Xiaoping linked the then Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Special Economic Zone with the liberation of the entire country, set up a special economic zone and solved poverty in our country Backwardness and building a socialist modernization. That is, starting from the trial of the SAR, engaging in reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics. (2) To organize a special economic zone to launch a thoroughfare, that is, through the establishment of special economic zones, it will launch a road of breaking through the closed-door policy of the United States and implementing an open reform so as to build a poor and backward China with less capital, technology and management experience in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
患者女性,62岁。因心悸胸闷不适,晕厥半h入院。患者有高血压病史10余年。体检:一般情况好。BP150/70mmHg,R50次/min。心律不规则,A2>P2, Patient female, 62 years old. Due
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