植树造林,绿化祖国,是关系子孙后代的大事,应当切实认真地抓好。但是,在有些地方,却存在着弄虚作假的现象。山西省忻州行署专员李枝荣将下乡检查绿化工作时的所见所闻、所思所想写成文章,寄给本刊,其中揭露的弄虚作假,很值得各地引为鉴戒。 办事情、做工作,一定要老老实实,做一说一,做二说二。虚报浮夸骗了谁呢?无非骗了上级,但贻害的却是子孙后代。我们的各级政府,是人民的政府。人民政府要为人民办事,就要有一个好的政风。我们的党是为人民谋利益的,要为人民谋利益,就要有一个好的党风。政风、党风,最紧要的一条,就是要实事求是。毛泽东同志生前曾一再倡导各级干部做老实人,说老实话,办老实事。这在今天依旧有着重要的现实意义。 应该看到,领导机关、领导干部作风虚浮,是虚报浮夸之类现象得以孳生的温床。光在办公室里听汇报、看报表,即便下去,也走马观花、浮光掠影,怎么能发现实际存在的问题?根据那些虚假的情况指导工作,十个有十个要栽跟斗。 一年一度的植树节又要到了。希望各地在今年的植树活动中,抓实、落实。
Planting trees and afforestation and afforestation of the motherland are major issues that will affect future generations, and we should do a good job of them earnestly and conscientiously. However, in some places, there is a phenomenon of fraud. Li Zhirong, commissioner of Xinzhou, Shanxi Province, will go to the countryside to check what he saw and heard during the afforestation work. He would like to write an article in his mind and send it to this magazine to expose fraud and deception. Do things, do work, we must be honest, make one that one, two do two. Fallacy fool deceived of it? Nothing more than cheated superiors, but harms but future generations. Our governments at all levels are the people’s government. To work for the people, the people’s government must have a good political climate. Our party is for the benefit of the people. To work for the benefit of the people, we must have a good party style. Political power, the party style, the most important one is to seek truth from facts. During his lifetime, Comrade Mao Tse-tung advocated honest cadres at all levels to speak honestly and honestly. This still has important practical significance today. It should be noted that the leadership organs and leading cadres have a fickle work style and are hotbeds for breeding such phenomena as falsehood and exaggeration. Light in the office to listen to reports, read the report, even go on, but also fly, glimpse of skimming, how can we find the real problems? According to the guidance of those fake situations, ten have ten to be tipped. The annual Arbor Day is coming again. We hope that all localities will grasp and implement this year’s tree planting activities.