Foreign Gold Digger’s Favorite:Hongqiao Market

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The shop of the Fanghua Pearls & Jewelry looks like a photographic exhibition of the world’s big names and their wives.Located on the fourth floor of the Hongqiao Market near the Temple of Heaven in southern part of Beijing downtown, the brightly-illuminated shop has been an attraction for visiting heads of the governments, their wives as well as other famous people.“Most of the wives of government’ heads who visited China have been to our Hongqiao market,” said the proud General Manager Bai Rufang. “Some of them have returned when they visited China again years later.” The shop of the Fanghua Pearls & Jewelry looks like a photographic exhibition of the world’s big names and their wives.Located on the fourth floor of the Hongqiao Market near the Temple of Heaven in southern part of Beijing downtown, the brightly-illuminated shop has been an attraction for visiting heads of the governments, their wives as well as other famous people. “Most of the wives of government ’heads who visited China have been to our Hongqiao market, ” said the proud General Manager Bai Rufang. “ Some of them have returned when they visited China again years later. ”
【正】 After 17 years involvement with China I wished to feel part of a local community. I was about to experience another aspect of living in the city. The cou
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