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南海北部边缘盆地CO2资源丰富,CO2成因类型多,依据CO2通常的成因判识与划分参数及标准(δ13CCO2值和3He/4He值),可将其划分为壳源型(有机和无机)、壳幔混合型及火山幔源型等3型4类。该区CO2运聚规律复杂,壳源型岩石化学成因及壳幔混合型成因CO2资源丰富、储量规模大,主要富集于西北部走滑伸展型边缘的莺歌海盆地泥底辟带浅层,具有平面上分区分块、纵向上分层分带多期运聚成藏的规律,且受控于泥底辟热流体上侵活动与巨厚海相含钙砂泥岩的物理化学综合作用;火山幔源型成因CO2在该区资源规模相对较小,多分布在北部边缘的东区,即琼东南盆地东部Ⅱ断裂带周缘和珠江口盆地深大断裂发育区,且主要受控于火山幔源岩浆脱排气活动的CO2气源供给与深大断裂导气输送作用的有效配置。根据迄今油气勘探程度,南海北部CO2资源规模已逾万亿立方米,居国内之首,故颇具勘探潜力与综合开发利用前景。因此,如何综合开发利用这种资源潜力巨大的CO2,充分发挥其市场经济价值,促进和加快其资源化利用的进程和步伐,这是该区目前天然气勘探开发与综合利用所面临的重大科技攻关课题。 The northern margin of the South China Sea is rich in CO2 resources and many types of CO2 genesis. According to the common genetic identification and classification parameters (δ13CCO2 and 3He / 4He) of CO2, they can be divided into shell-derived (organic and inorganic) Mantle mixed type and volcanic mantle type 3 type and 4 types. The law of CO2 migration and accumulation in this area is complex. The genesis of crust-source rocks and the genesis of crust-mantle mixed type are rich in CO2 resources and large reserves, and are mainly concentrated in the shallow mudstones of the Yinggehai Basin, where the strike- , Which has the rules of subdivision and longitudinal stratification and multi-period migration and accumulation in the plane and is controlled by the combination of physico-chemical features of the mudstone diapirism and the thick calcareous sand-shale. Causes of volcanic mantle source CO2 resources are relatively small in this area, and are distributed in the eastern margin of the northern margin, ie, the periphery of fault zone Ⅱ in the eastern part of Qiongdongnan Basin and the deep fault zone in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, and are mainly controlled by volcanic mantle sources CO2 Source Provision for Magmatic Degassing and Effective Contribution to Gas Transmission in Deep and Big Fractures. According to the degree of oil and gas exploration to date, the scale of CO2 resources in the northern part of the South China Sea has exceeded 1 trillion cubic meters, ranking the first in China. Therefore, the exploration potential and comprehensive development and utilization prospects are quite promising. Therefore, how to comprehensively develop and utilize CO2 with huge potential of such resources, give full play to its market economic value, and promote and speed up the process and pace of its resource utilization, which is a major scientific and technological breakthrough in the exploration, development and comprehensive utilization of natural gas in the area Question.
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