
来源 :中国教师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:margaretclouis
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数学课程,是高中学习最主要的课程,要想学好数学课,最重要的有方法有技巧用创新的思维的方式发现问题、分析问题、解决问题。学生要学会在教师的引导下,用心学习。学会用创新的思维和方式,来认知问题,看待问题。素质教育是当前教育的主流,新课程教育改革的步伐已经渗透各个学科、各个领域,针对高中数学教学过程,教师要改变以前填鸭式的教学模式,转变教学观念,提要思想意识。学生要改变以前被动学习的方式,主动学习,从而达到学好高中数学的目的。 Mathematics courses, is the most important high school learning courses, in order to learn mathematics, the most important method is to use innovative ways of thinking to find problems, analyze problems and solve problems. Students should learn to learn under the guidance of teachers. Learn to use innovative thinking and ways to recognize problems and treat problems. Quality education is the mainstream of current education. The pace of education reform in new curriculum has penetrated into all disciplines and fields. In order to change the teaching mode of past teaching of duckling, teachers should change their teaching concepts and abstract their ideology. Students want to change the way of passive learning before, take the initiative to learn, so as to achieve the purpose of learning mathematics in high school.
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本文结合教学实践,探讨了高中数学开放式教学的主要途径和方法,从而为数学教学带来生机,为调动学生学习的积极性、提高学生学习数学的兴趣、培养学生的创新意识奠定基础。 B
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