2017年全州“三下乡”集中示范活动在祥云启动 州文联组织40余名书画家免费为群众写送春联

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由中共大理州委、州政府主办,祥云县委、县政府承办的大理州文化、科技、卫生“三下乡”示范活动1月5日在祥云县城启动。州委、州人大、州政府、州政协领导及州县文化、卫生、农科等系统20多家单位的300多名科技、文化、卫生、农业专家、专业技术人员、文艺界知名书画家出席并参与了此次活动。州委常委、州委宣传部长彭斌在启动仪式上讲话,他强调:“开展‘三下乡’活动,是推动农村精神文明建设的重要抓手,是打赢脱贫攻坚战的有效补充,是推进基本公共服务均等化的必然要求。州委、州政府历来高度重视以文化、科技、卫生为主要服 Sponsored by the Dali Prefecture, the state government, Xiangyun county party committee and government hosted the Dali Prefecture culture, science and technology, health, ”three countryside“ demonstration activities on January 5 in Xiangyun county start. More than 300 science and technology, culture, health, agricultural experts, professional technicians, well-known painters and calligraphers of more than 20 units from the state committee, state people’s congress, state governments and state CPPCC committees and more than 20 units in the state culture, health, And participated in the event. Peng Bin, member of the Standing Committee of the State Committee and Minister of the State Party Committee, said at the launching ceremony: ”Carrying out the activities of“ going to the countryside ”is an important starting point for promoting the building of a spiritual civilization in rural areas and is an effective supplement to win the battle against poverty Promote the equalization of basic public services inevitable requirements of the state government has always attached great importance to culture, science and technology, health as the main service
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