Danny D.Steinberg 1932年生于加拿大的多伦多市,并在该市长大。以后他去温哥华市的不列颠哥伦比亚大学主修心理学和社会学,1960年获心理学学士学位。大学毕业后,他作为心理实习医生、研究员在多伦多市精神病院工作了两年。1962年他进入美国夏威夷大学学习研究生课程,主修心理语言学,1964年获得实验心理学硕士学位,1966年获得实验心理学博士学位。他的学习、工作经历为他日后的研究工作奠定了坚实的基础,使他不仅在理论研究中提出新的观点和设想,而且他还通过实验研究证实或修正这些观点和设想。
Danny D. Steinberg was born in 1932 in Toronto, Canada and grew up in the city. Later he went to the University of British Columbia in Vancouver majoring in psychology and sociology, in 1960 won a bachelor’s degree in psychology. After graduating from college, he worked as a psychologist and researcher for two years at the Toronto Psychiatric Hospital. In 1962 he entered the University of Hawaii to study postgraduates majoring in psycholinguistics, master’s degree in experimental psychology in 1964, and his Ph.D. in experimental psychology in 1966. His study and work experience have laid a solid foundation for his future research so that he not only put forward new ideas and ideas in theoretical research, but also prove or correct these ideas and experiments through experimental research.