
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytxiaokang
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最近,在农村走访了解到,政府为推广和提倡农民使用低毒低残农药,对一些低毒低残留及生物农药实行价格补贴,用户只拿一半的钱就能得到这些“低价”农药。毫无疑问这是一件好事,但就是这么一件好事,还有人不买账。原因出自哪里?在与一些种植户座谈时得知,他们当中有不少人是初次接触低毒低残留农药,对低毒低残留农药缺乏 Recently, I have learned from visits in rural areas that the government has implemented price subsidies for the promotion and promotion of peasants using low-toxic and low-residue pesticides, subsidizing some low-toxic and low-residue pesticides and biopesticides, and users can get these “cheap” pesticide. There is no doubt that this is a good thing, but it is such a good thing, there are people do not buy it. Where did they come from? In discussions with some growers, many of them were exposed for the first time to low-residue, low-residue pesticides and to low-toxicity, low-residue pesticides
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一、旱作农业在绥化地区的战略地位 旱作农业是与灌溉农业相对而言的,它完全是靠大气降水养育的农业,所以又叫“雨养农业”。 农业生态系统是一个循环而开放的系统,与其它系
吸烟有害健康,这句话几乎人人皆知。可不少人却认为吸烟可以解除疲劳,增强注意力,所以边吸烟边驾车成了驾驶员普遍存在的现象。然而吸烟对安全行车构成的 Smoking is harmf