
来源 :中国海上油气.工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kg1ksmhz1
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1 引言 中海石油工程设计公司于1994年3月与新加坡远东船厂商谈,作为远东船厂的设计分包商参加美国阿莫科石油公司为中国南海的深海油田流花11—1项目改装半潜式钻井船为一艘浮式生产、钻井系统装置的投标活动。经过日本、新加坡、韩国的五家厂商的激烈竞争,远东船厂中标。这是中海石油工程设计公司(下文简述为设计公司)成立十多年来,第一次独立承担海外整装的海上油气工程项目的设计工作。设计工作在新加坡远东船厂进行,设计公司承担全船各系统改装及新建部分的全部详细设计、规格书及全套调试大纲的编制、提供施工现场技术服务并在交船的同时提供全套竣工图的工作。1995年6月上旬远东船厂正式交船,设计公司共完成详细设计的施工图纸1200多张,技术规格书及调试大纲共约200套。全套设计图纸及文件全部以CAD软盘提交业主(全部工作文字为英文)。设计公司能在短短的工期中,完成如此大量的设计工作,尤其是很棘手的钻井船改装的设计工作。使远东船厂十分满意,业主阿莫科石油公司也由一度的“担心”转变为放心。此次设计公司能打进竞争十分激烈的国际海洋工程 1 INTRODUCTION China Petroleum Engineering Corporation (CNOOC) spoke to Far East shipbuilders in Singapore in March 1994 as a design subcontractor of the Far East Shipyard to participate in the conversion of semi-submersible drilling rigs by Amoco Petroleum Corporation for the Liuhua 11-1 project in the deep sea oil field in South China Sea It is a bidding activity for a floating production and drilling system installation. After fierce competition from five manufacturers in Japan, Singapore and South Korea, the Far East Shipyard won the bid. This is the first time that CNOOC Petroleum Engineering Design Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as the design company) has been established for the first time to independently undertake the design work of offshore oil and gas engineering projects for overseas assembly. The design work was carried out at the Far East Shipyard in Singapore. The design company took full responsibility for the complete detailed design of the refitting and new parts of the entire ship’s system, the specification book and the preparation of a full set of commissioning plans, providing technical services at the construction site and providing a full set of as-built drawings at the same time of delivery. . In early June of 1995, the Far East Shipyard officially delivered the ship. The design company completed a total of more than 1,200 drawings for detailed design, and about 200 sets of technical specifications and commissioning outlines. A full set of design drawings and documents are submitted to the owner using a CAD floppy disk (all working texts are in English). The design company can complete such a large amount of design work in a short period of time, especially the design work of a very difficult drilling vessel modification. The Far East Shipyard was very satisfied and the owners of Amoco Petroleum also changed their fear from one time to be assured. This time, the design company can enter the international marine engineering that is very competitive
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国军标GJBl701-93《战术导弹测试设备通用规范》宣贯会于1995年7月14日至17日在辽宁省丹东市召开。来自北京和沈阳地区有关单位的代表出席了会议。 在会上,标准主要起草人一