
来源 :中国医院统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jchenghai
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我院自1993年始,以医院全面质量管理委员会为主,以山东省各级医院分级管理细则为标准,以岗位目标责任制为考核要求,采取不同的形式统一标准,百分考核,定期进行院科两级的评价,落实了各项奖惩措施,使质检网络逐步建全,有力的促进了我院的整体医疗工作。 1 质量管理的目标 1.1 提高全员素质,规范医疗工作。医院工作是以病人为中心的全面医疗工作。在制定各科岗位目标的伊始,首先以人的思想与业务职能为基点,强调了思想为本,路线为帅的中心,确定了由支部书记为主要分管的精神文明考评细则。同时,在政治学习,精神文明建设方面都列出了具体的考评细则,有利于科室内部人员的互相督促。对每个临床工作人员突出进行了岗位职责的限定,即在履行工作定额与经济指标的同时需与业务质量相结合,以精神文明与业务质量相结合,以精神文明与业务技能的双层约束对医务人员的工作质量进行职责考核。 1.2 转换服务职能,提高服务质量。我院地处市区中心,病人流量多,来源广,各类病员来院后所亟需得到的服务要求各有不同。因此,适时的转换服务职能,强化与提高服务态度是首要任务.在制定岗位目标责任制的同时,牢牢把握以患者为主导的宗旨,制定了诸如文明礼貌用语,服务忌语,日常举止规范等具体服务要求细则。并以百分制的形 Since 1993, our hospital has been focusing on the Total Quality Management Committee of the hospital, taking the graded management rules of hospitals at all levels in Shandong Province as the standard, the post target responsibility system as the assessment requirement, adopting different forms of unified standards, assessing the percentage, and conducting regular hospitalizations. The two-level assessments of the Section have implemented various rewards and penalties to gradually complete the quality inspection network and have effectively promoted the overall medical work in our hospital. 1 The goal of quality management 1.1 Improve the quality of all employees and standardize medical work. Hospital work is patient-centered and comprehensive medical work. In the beginning of the formulation of the targets for each department, we first took people’s ideology and business functions as the starting point, emphasized the center of thinking and the line as the handsome, and determined the rules for the evaluation of the spiritual civilization under the leadership of the branch secretary. At the same time, detailed evaluation rules are listed in the areas of political study and spiritual civilization construction, which are conducive to the mutual supervision of staff in the department. For each clinical staff, the limitation of job responsibilities is highlighted, that is, the performance of job quotas and economic indicators must be combined with the quality of the business, and the combination of spiritual civilization and business quality, and the double constraints of spiritual civilization and business skills. To assess the quality of work of the medical staff. 1.2 Transform service functions and improve service quality. Our hospital is located in the center of the urban area, with a large number of patients and a wide range of sources. All kinds of patients need different service requirements after coming to the hospital. Therefore, the timely conversion of service functions, and strengthening and improving service attitude are the primary tasks. While formulating the responsibility system for the post goal, we must firmly grasp the principle of patient-oriented and formulate such phrases as civilized politeness, service bogey, and routine behaviors. Specific service requirements and other details. And in cents
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