
来源 :中国医院药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ernie_dun
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目的:通过观察我院现有口服固体剂型的外形情况,以及调查医院药师对药品外观现状及识别问题的认识,分析其中存在的问题及不安全隐患,寻找可能的改进措施。方法:调查我院现有200种口服固体药物制剂除去包装后的外观,设计问卷调查医院药师对药品外观现状及识别问题的认识,并进行统计分析。结果:200种药品中有28.00%存在与其外观完全相同的品种无法区分。共有89名药师参与调查,86.51%的药师认同药品外观相似会增加医护人员和患者识别药物的难度,清楚地识别药物对于保障用药安全很重要。结论:目前临床使用的口服固体剂型外观设计存在缺陷,易导致差错,存在不安全用药隐患。采用印压文字或图形,异形片等工艺,是有效的区分和识别口服固体剂型的方法。 OBJECTIVE: By observing the appearance of the existing oral solid dosage forms in our hospital and investigating hospital pharmacists’ understanding of the status quo and identification of drug appearances, the existing problems and unsafe problems in the hospital were investigated, and possible improvements were sought. Methods: To investigate the appearance of 200 kinds of oral solid pharmaceutical preparations in our hospital after removal of the packaging, and to design a questionnaire to survey the hospital pharmacists’ understanding of the current situation of the appearance of the drugs and the identification problems, and carry out statistical analysis. Results: 28.00% of the 200 medicines were indistinguishable from those with the same appearance. A total of 89 pharmacists involved in the survey, 86.51% of pharmacists agree that the appearance of similar drugs will increase the medical staff and patients to identify the difficulty of drugs, clearly identify drugs for the protection of drug safety is very important. Conclusion: At present, there are defects in the design of oral solid dosage forms for clinical use, leading to errors and potential risks of unsafe medication. The use of printed text or graphics, shaped tablets and other processes, is an effective method to distinguish and identify oral solid dosage forms.
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