
来源 :中国普通外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulin99
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近年的研究显示,凋亡抑制基因Bcl-xl在胰腺癌中呈高表达。Bcl-xl高表达与胰腺癌放疗耐受,吉西他滨和TRAIL耐药及胰腺癌预后差有关。Bcl-xl小分子抑制剂和反义寡核苷酸等靶向治疗能较好地抑制胰腺癌细胞生长。此外,Bcl-xl还与导管内乳头状瘤的癌变,胰岛细胞肿瘤的侵袭转移有关。笔者综述相关文献,旨在深入研究胰腺癌中Bcl-xl表达,有利于了解其与胰腺癌的发生特别是与耐药性的关系,为胰腺癌的临床治疗提供重要理论依据。 Recent studies have shown that apoptosis-inhibiting gene Bcl-xl is highly expressed in pancreatic cancer. Bcl-xl overexpression is associated with radiotherapy tolerance to pancreatic cancer, gemcitabine and TRAIL resistance, and poor prognosis of pancreatic cancer. Bcl-xl small molecule inhibitors and antisense oligonucleotides and other targeted therapy can better inhibit pancreatic cancer cell growth. In addition, Bcl-xl also with ductal papillomatosis, pancreatic islet cell tumor invasion and metastasis. The author summarizes the relevant literature, in order to study in-depth study of Bcl-xl expression in pancreatic cancer is conducive to understanding its relationship with the occurrence of pancreatic cancer, especially with drug resistance, providing an important theoretical basis for the clinical treatment of pancreatic cancer.
从尼泊尔产阿尔泰柴胡中分离得到1个新齐墩果烷型三萜寡糖苷(尼泊尔柴胡皂苷-K)以及10个已知化合物。 阿尔泰柴胡干燥根(95.5g)粉碎后,氯仿室温提取。残余物再用80%甲醇提取,
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This paper presents a study on the valorization of local materials such as desert dune sand obtained from Laghouat region in the South Algeria and mine bentonit
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肾菜(Orthosiphon stamineus)在东南亚地区被广泛用作传统民间草药。研究发现,印度尼西亚肾菜地上部分的甲醇提取物有较强的抑制NO产生的活性,并从其氯仿溶解的非极性部分中