Generation and Display System of Measurement Matrix Based on DMD

来源 :北京理工大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neversoft
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A measurement matrix is the key to sampling and signal reconstruction during the process of compressed sensing.On the basis of digital light processing (DLP) technology,a generation and display system of measurement matrix based on digital micro-mirror device (DMD) is proposed and well designed.In this system,the generation and controlling of measurement matrix are implemented on a PC,which reduces the hardware requirement to generate a random matrix and overcomes the difficulty of the hardware implementation for the random matrix.It can set up the display number of the measurement matrix,the mode of display and display time according to the requirements from users.The display information can be designed to complete the display of measurement matrix with a better adaptability.The system can be easily embedded into a variety of compressed sensing applications,which can be used to generate and display the corresponding measurement matrice with strong portability.In addition,the DMD of this system will be used as a spatial optical modulator to manipulate near-infrared light in a fast,accurate and efficient way in several applications such as in 3D scanning devices and spectrometers.
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