
来源 :中国经济景气月报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingfei1415
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企业景气调查方法是对经济发展的周期波动进行监测和预测的一个重要的统计调查方法.它以企业家为调查对象,采用问卷调查的方式,收集企业家对本行业景气状况和企业生产经营状况的判断及对未来发展的预期,并根据企业家对宏观经济状况及企业生产经营状况的判断和预期来编制景气指数。企业景气调查与传统的统计调查在收集数据资料的方法上有本质的不同,一是景气调查问卷中的问题主要以定性判断的选择题形式出现,定量指标很少,它要求企业家对诸如“本企业产品销售价格” The business climate survey method is an important statistical survey method to monitor and forecast the periodic fluctuation of economic development.It takes the entrepreneur as the survey object and adopts the way of questionnaire to collect the entrepreneur’s influence on the business climate and the production and operation of the industry Judgment and expectation of future development, and make the prosperity index according to the judgment and expectation of the entrepreneur to the macroeconomic status and the production and operation status of the enterprise. Business climate survey and traditional statistical methods in the collection of data on the methods are essentially different, first, the questions in the business climate questionnaire mainly in the form of multiple-choice questions to judge qualitatively, quantitative indicators rarely, it requires entrepreneurs on such as “The product sales price ”
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