Living Lunar

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September’s bai lu, or “white dew,” marks thestart of clear and crisp autumn weather andthe end of summer heat. Temperatures dropsharply, and in the cool winds, farmers harvestthe fruits of their spring planting and planning.Now that the weather is cool and dry, it’s hightime to prevent dryness. According to the basichealth principles of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), yang energy should be cultivatedin spring and summer, and yin energy shouldbe nourished in autumn and winter. TCM offersways of replenishing yin and nourishing thebody to store energy and prepare for the comingseason.
China is striving to createa more open and fair businessenvironment for foreigninvestors
Lin Songtian is no stranger to Africa. He has worked there for 14 years and organized the Second Ministerial Confer-ence of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Ethiopia. When serving as t
The best practicefor African countriesat the ReviewSummit is todemonstrate onevoice where theyagree that they willpush ahead withthe most criticaltargets based oncountry level assessmentsSeptember 201
Seen from this angle, the "food crisis" appears to be quite selective, the consequence of policies composed of several intertwined tentacles (biofu-els-oil-militarization) operating in synchrony and b
On a morning this past July,the opening ceremony for theDandelion Middle School ArtExhibit was held at Beijing’s TodayArt Museum. Entitled “From Environmentto Spirit,” the project wasorganized by Chin
The new phenomenonof online “group-buying”is gathering steamamong Chinese shoppers
New Chinese funded science university will help to provide more placesfor Malawi’s new wave of students
On January 23, 2010, Tian Jian queued up overnight to buy her daughter a ticket to see the film Avatar.Though the movie had been released several weeks earlier, Tian needed to book the ticket for the
The important role agriculture plays in Sino-African relations was emphasized by the China-Africa Agriculture Cooperation Forum held in Beijing on August 11-12. At the opening ceremony,Kalonzo Musyoka
On the evening of July 18, Nelson MandelaInternational Day celebrations were heldat The Bookworm, a popular bookstore inBeijing. Last November, the UN General Assemblydeclared the date to recognize th