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本教研組曾接受2例腎盂鳞状上皮癌之外科标本,均伴有腎盂结石,茲报导如下,并对结石与癌瘤之关系进行討論。例1 (医学院附属医院住院号75808),女性,54岁,右上腹部肿物約20年,偶有局部疼痛,无其他不适。近半年来,常有发烧及陣发性右上腹部疼痛,偶有腰痛,小便混,味臭,夜尿3—4次,偶見終末血尿。入院前三四天症状加重,每数十分钟排尿一次,并有发冷、发烧,体温37.8℃。血压100/60毫米汞柱,急性病容。右上腹部輕度膨出,可触及一拳大之肿物,边緣不清,有压痛及肌紧张。血色蛋白:8.0克%,白血球10,000—37,700/立方毫米,中性80—90%。尿:黄色,酸性,比重 The teaching and research group has accepted two cases of renal pelvis squamous cell carcinoma, which are all associated with pelvis stones. We hereby report and discuss the relationship between stones and cancer. Example 1 (Hospital Affiliated Hospital No. 75808), female, 54 years old, upper right abdomen mass about 20 years, occasional pain, no other discomfort. In the past six months, there have been fevers and paroxysmal right upper abdominal pain, occasional low back pain, mixed urination, odor, nocturia 3-4 times, and occasional hematuria. Three to four days before admission, the symptoms worsened, and urination occurred once every tens of minutes, with chills and fever, and a body temperature of 37.8°C. Blood pressure 100/60 mm Hg, acute disease. Mild bulging in the right upper abdomen, can touch a large fist mass, the edge is unclear, tenderness and muscle tension. Hemoglobin: 8.0 g%, white blood cells 10,000-37,700/mm3, neutral 80-90%. Urine: yellow, acidic, specific gravity
黑木耳是我国人民喜食的一种食物.主要产地是湖北、四川、云南、河南等省.其中, Black fungus is a kind of food our country people like to eat.Main origin is Hubei,
南极,这块神秘的白色大陆.几十年前,人们对她的了解只限于身着“燕尾服”的企鹅, Antarctica, this mysterious white continent. Decades ago, people knew her only abou
调味卤汁在菜肴的制作中起着重要的作用,餐桌上也不可少.现介绍几种常用的调味汁配制方法,供节日准备菜肴时选用. Seasoning marinade plays an important role in the prod