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从广义上讲,实践活动是学生在理解数学知识的同时,能够将其运用于生活中。不同于初中或是高中的讲究数学逻辑性和严谨性的数学教学,在小学数学教学中,更注重数学的实践活动,主要体现在课堂较为轻松活跃的气氛以及数学在平时生活里的体现。小学数学实践活动要求师生互动,教师应积极引导学生自主发现生活经验中的数学问题,能够互相进行探索与交流,开展丰富多彩的活动。“实践”是苏教版小学数学教学中的重要模块。小学数学实 In a broad sense, the practical activity is that students can apply it to their life while understanding mathematical knowledge. Different from junior middle school or high school mathematics teaching which emphasizes the logic and rigor of mathematics, in mathematics teaching of primary schools, it pays more attention to the practice of mathematics, which is mainly reflected in the relaxed and active classroom atmosphere and the embodiment of mathematics in ordinary life. Primary school mathematics practice requires interaction between teachers and students, teachers should actively guide students to discover the mathematical problems in life experience independently, to explore and communicate with each other and to carry out colorful activities. “Practice ” is an important module in the mathematics teaching of the primary school of the Soviet version. Elementary mathematics
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