
来源 :中国石油和化工标准与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wtxsing
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黑龙江省是全国气温最低的省份。极端最低气温,北部漠河曾达到-52.3℃,为全国最低纪录。2009年开工的中俄原油管道中国境内漠河-大庆段工程为跨年工程,不可避免的在黑龙江进行了冬季施工。本文以该工程第十标段为例,主要介绍了极寒地区的冬季公路爆破顶管施工经验。 Heilongjiang Province is the lowest temperature in the country. Extreme minimum temperature, the northern Mohe had reached -52.3 ℃, the lowest national record. Sino-Russian crude oil pipeline started in 2009 Mohe - Daqing section of the project in China is a New Year’s Eve project, which inevitably carried out winter construction in Heilongjiang. In this paper, the tenth section of the project as an example, mainly introduces the winter cold blasting pipe jacking construction experience.
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