
来源 :航空标准化与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Stanleytsang627
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本刊讯2007年4月20日至21日,中国航空工业第二集团公司标准化工作会议在北京顺利召开。这是集团公司在建设创新型、节约型、和谐型集团形势下召开的一次重要会议,是集团公司召开的第二次集团公司标准化工作会议。会议的主要目的是:总结前五年的工作,在此基础上进一步明确下一阶段的工作目标、工作思路,并研讨具体措施。 News from April 20, 2007 to 21, China Aviation Industry Corporation II standardization work conference held smoothly in Beijing. This is an important meeting convened by the group companies under the situation of building an innovative, economical and harmonious group, and is the second group company standardization conference convened by the group companies. The main purpose of the conference is to summarize the work of the previous five years and further clarify the objectives, working ideas and specific measures for the next phase.
开通前夜  红红今年七岁。吃了晚饭,她倚靠在客厅的沙发里,想要拨通爸爸的号码,但她只是想了想,叹口气。然后发了个短信:  爸爸,在吗?  手机没有反应。  红红把手机放在眼前,看着手机屏幕光线慢慢地暗下去。红红不甘心,她嘟起小嘴巴,期待着手机响起像小鸟穿越树林一般“嗖”的声音,那是短信。或是直接响起“来电话了,来电话了”。  过了许久,手机依然没有短信回复的声音,更没有来电话的声音。  红红期待的
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Xu Xiake was a famous geographer in the MIng Dynasty.He was a native of Jiangsu Province,He was named Hongzu,styled Zhenzhi Xu Xiake was a famous geographer in
COlllC play with Inc;Why should you runThrough the shaking treeAs though I’d a gunT0 shoot you dead?When all 1 would doIs to scratch your headAnd let you go.…
1994年6月25日举行的“非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程统一考试(GET B9406)”的英译汉部分,是一篇由四个句子组成的论述文。对于考试中心提供的参考译文,我个人以为未达
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MY nationality, the Zhuang nationality, has the largest population among the minority nationalities in China, the population being 15.49 million. In my hometow
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