High Activated Mineral Admixture Slurry Made by Wet-discharged Fly-ash Promoted by Matrix Bonding Co

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liqiran
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The mineral admixture slurry was made by wet-discharged fly-ash (WDFA) promoted by matrix bonding component (MBC), and the strengths, hydration products change (XRD, SEM) of cement paste made by the slurry were studied. The results indicate that in the process of wet-milling preparation, there is a prime proportion (70︰30) between wet-discharged fly-ash and matrix bonding component in the slurry. The physical activation of wet-milling and chemical activation of modified agents accelerate the hydration of cement including the cement and mineral which has not hydrated completely in the matrix bonding component. And the hydrated part of matrix bonding component can play the function of inducing crystallization, which can accelerate secondary hydration reaction of fly-ash. The mineral admixture slurry was made by wet-discharged fly-ash (WDFA) promoted by matrix bonding component (MBC), and the strengths, hydration products change (XRD, SEM) of cement paste made by the slurry were studied. That in the process of wet-milling preparation, there is a prime proportion (70..30) between wet-discharged fly-ash and matrix bonding component in the slurry. The physical activation of wet-milling and chemical activation of modified agents accelerate the Hydration of cement including the cement and mineral which has not hydrated completely in the matrix bonding component. And the hydrated part of matrix bonding component can play the function of inducing crystallization, which can accelerate secondary hydration reaction of fly-ash.
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