
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:missingmm
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东海某海域,一支“红军”舰艇编队正与“蓝军”打得难解难分。此时,一支海军民兵机动编队直插“蓝军”背后,使其首尾不能相顾……东北某军用机场,一支空军民兵伪装分队接到“敌人”对机场进行空袭的预警后,迅速各就各位,对机场进行“隐真示假”……南国丛林深处,“红军”导弹部队突遭袭击,战场遭受核污染。硝烟弥漫中,第二炮兵一支民兵防化分队紧急出动,架设战备钢桥,展开洗消作业……进入21世纪以来,随着中国特色军事变革的不断推进和军事斗争准备的深入,我国民兵组建了海军、空军、第二炮兵专业分队,改变了长期以来按照支援配合陆军作战为主的建设模式,民兵成为三军后备力量,组织结构发生了重大变化。加强军兵种民兵专业分队建设,是适应军队建设转型要求、打赢信息化条件下局部战争而采取的一项重要措施,是新时期民兵建设的重点之一。为展示军兵种民兵专业分队的风采,记录我国民兵建设由保障单一军种作战向保障诸军兵种联合作战转变、由保障陆地战场作战为主向保障陆海空电立体作战转变的历程,本刊自本期始特辟“军兵种民兵巡礼”专栏。敬请广大读者垂注。——编者 In a certain area of ​​the East China Sea, a fleet of “Red Army” ships is playing a difficult role in resolving the “Blue Army.” At this moment, a naval militia maneuvering formation was inserted behind the “blue army” so that it could not be consulted at all times. After a military airfield in northeast China and an air force militia camouflage detachment received an early warning of “enemy” air strikes on the airport, , The airport “hidden truth” ...... Deep in the southern jungle, the “Red Army” missile unit was attacked, the battlefield suffered nuclear contamination. In the midst of smoke and smoke, a militia and anti-chemical unit of the Second Artillery Corps dispatched an emergency to set up a steel bridge for defensive preparations and began to eliminate its operations. Since the 21st century, with the continuous promotion of military reform with Chinese characteristics and preparations for military struggle, The formation of the Navy, Air Force and the Second Artillery Corps has changed the long-standing support mode for supporting the Army’s operations. The militia has become a reserve force for the armed forces and its organizational structure has undergone major changes. Strengthening the building of a professional militia and militia unit is an important measure taken to meet the requirements of the transformation of army building and to win local wars under the conditions of informationization. It is also one of the major focuses of militia building in the new era. In order to showcase the style of militiamen and militia units in the armed forces and to record the course of the transformation of militia building in China from safeguarding a single military service to safeguarding the joint operations of all arms and arms, and ensuring the protection of land-based battlefield operations, Initially, a special column entitled “Parade of Militiamen and Militias” was launched. Please readers attention. --editor
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