精心确定新体制 平稳过渡促发展

来源 :财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozuzi2009
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近几年来,河北省清河县财政收入的三分之二以上来自乡镇企业和个体私营经济。因此,制定好科学、合理适合本县情况的县乡(镇)财政体制甚为重要。为了适应分税制财政管理体制改革的需要,探索县财政在社会主义市场经济体制下的理财之道,今年初,我县从实际情况出发,对原体制进行了过渡调整,建立了县乡财政管理新体制。新体制出台后,运行情况比较正常,对发展本县经济和增加财政收入起到了明显的促进作用。 In recent years, more than two thirds of the fiscal revenue in Qinghe County of Hebei Province came from township enterprises and the private economy. Therefore, it is very important to formulate a county / township (town) financial system that is scientifically and reasonably suitable to the situation in this county. In order to meet the need of tax-sharing reform of the financial management system, we should explore ways of county finance in managing wealth under the socialist market economic system. Earlier this year, starting from the actual conditions, our county made a transitional adjustment to the original system and established a new fiscal management system for county and townships system. After the introduction of the new system, the operation is more normal, which has obviously promoted the development of the county’s economy and increased revenue.
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在财政部、人事部联合表彰的全国财政系统先进集体名单中,我们发现了财政战线上的一枝新秀——四川省黔江地区财政局。该地区 In the list of advanced collectives in the
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消费税——不应有的误导 岁末之际,大江南北忽然刮起了一股抢购风,从粮油到蔬菜,从副食到电器。人们议论纷纷:听说要征收消费税。 什么是消费税?到底征收多少?向谁征税?很少