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萧克,1908年出生于湖南嘉禾。16岁参加国民革命军,加入中国共产党。曾任中国工农红军第四军连长、营长,第一纵队参谋长,第12师师长,红一方面军独立第五师师长,红八军军长,红六军团军团长,红二方面军副总指挥,红31军军长。抗日战争时期任八路军120师副师长,冀热察挺进军司令员兼华北军政大学副校长;解放战争时期任第四野战军参谋长兼华中军区参谋长。新中国成立后,任中央军委军训部部长,国防部副部长,军事学院院长兼第一政委。1955年被授予上将军衔,荣获一级八一勋章、一级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章。 Xiao Ke, born in 1908 in Hunan Golden Harvest. At the age of 16, he joined the National Revolutionary Army and joined the Communist Party of China. He served as commander of the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army, battalion commander, chief of Staff of the First Column, chief of the 12th Division, division chief of the Fifth Front of the Red Army, commander of the Red Eight Corps, regiment chief of the Red Army VI, Deputy commander, Red 31 Army commander. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he served as deputy commander of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, commander of the Hebei Thermal Inspectorate and vice president of the North China Military and Political University; and served as chief of staff of the Fourth Field Army and chief of staff of the Central Military Region during the War of Liberation. After the founding of New China, he served as Military Training Minister, Vice Minister of Defense, Dean of the Military Academy and First Political Commissar of the Central Military Commission. In 1955 was awarded the rank of general, won the first eighty-one medal, a medal of independence and freedom, a liberation medal.
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Wang Gang,ethnic Han,native of Fuyu,Jilin Province, born in October 1942. Joined the CPC in June 1971 and began working in September 1967.Graduated from the Phi
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