劳动和社会保障部医疗保险司司长乌日图答记者问 新医疗保险制度十二问

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■—问:新的医疗保险制度有什么特点? 这次改革的特点可概括为四个方面:“低水平、广覆盖、双方负担、统帐结合”。 所谓“低水平”,就是基本医疗保险的水平,必须与我国社会主义初级阶段的生产力发展水平相适应,充分考虑财政和企业的实际承受能力。即确定基本医疗保险的水平只能根据可能,不能根据需要,只能提供财政和企业能够承担的基本医疗保障。 所谓“广覆盖”,就是要尽可能使所有的单位和职工参加进来,新的基本医疗保险制度的实施范围,要覆盖城镇所有用人单位和职工,包括中央、省属单位、外商投资企业、私营企业和乡镇企业及其职工、城镇个体经济组织业主及其从业人员等。 所谓“双方负担”,就是基本医疗保险费 ■ - Q: What are the characteristics of the new medical insurance system? The characteristics of this reform can be summed up in four aspects: “low level, broad coverage, the burden on both parties, and the combination of remittances.” The so-called “low level” refers to the level of basic medical insurance. It must be compatible with the level of development of productive forces in the primary stage of socialism in our country and give full consideration to the actual affordability of finance and enterprises. That is to say, the level of basic medical insurance can only be determined on the basis of the possibility, and the basic medical insurance that the government and the public can afford can only be provided according to the need. The so-called “broad coverage” is to involve as many units and workers as possible. The implementation scope of the new basic medical insurance system should cover all employers and workers in cities and towns, including central and provincial units, foreign-invested enterprises and the private sector Enterprises and township enterprises and their staff and workers, owners of urban individual economic organizations and their employees. The so-called “burden on both sides” is the basic medical insurance premium
今年元月,江苏省举办首届连环画作品评奖活动。获奖作品三十九部。我院有四位老师创作的三部作品在省首届连环画评奖活动中分别获得一等奖和二等奖:王孟奇创作的《柳叶 In
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渡江明·张弼扬子江头几问津,风波如旧客愁新。西飞白日忙于我,南去青山冷笑人。孤枕不胜乡国梦,敞裘犹带帝京尘。交游落落俱星散,吟对沙鸥一怆神。 Cross the Yangtze Rive