在困境中崛起 在开拓中奋进

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浙江省宁波精益衬衫厂在困境中崛起,在开拓中奋进,建厂两年多来得了明显的效益。精益衬衫厂1988年6月开始办厂之时,恰逢国家实行治理整顿的大环境,企业在银根抽紧、贷款无门的情况下,依靠社会力量和企业职工集资办工厂。两年多来,经过全厂干部职工的努力拚搏,由一个十几人的小厂一跃成为基础设施基本完善、机械设备配套成龙、技术力量较强的中型专业服装厂,已成为县、市外向型出口创汇的骨干企业,并达到市级先进企业标准。目前,已有职工220名,其中有市特级、高级服装裁剪服装师4名,还有一支训练有素、技术熟练的服装生产管理人员队伍。企业拥有固定资产总值180万元,自有流动资金80万元,进口、国产先进服装机械设备120多台。 1989年下半年以来,由于市场疲软,该厂销售回落,产品积压。他们决心要利用好这个机遇,针对市场形势和本厂实际,着重抓了六件事: ——召开全厂职工大会,讲清面临的严峻形势,使职工增强危机感、 Zhejiang Ningbo’s Lean Shirt Factory has risen in the midst of difficulties and has been forging ahead in the process of pioneering. The construction of the factory for more than two years has seen significant benefits. When the Lean Shirt Factory began operations in June 1988, it coincided with the implementation of a large environment for the government to rectify and rectify the situation. The company relied on social forces and employees to raise funds to set up factories in the event that the company was tightened and the loans were not available. Over the past two years, through the hard work of all the cadres and staff of the whole plant, a small factory with more than a dozen people has become a medium-sized professional garment factory with basic infrastructure, complete machinery and equipment, and strong technical force. It has become a county and city. Export-oriented foreign exchange earning backbone enterprises, and reach the municipal advanced enterprise standards. At present, there are 220 employees, among which there are 4 special-grade, high-grade garment tailors, and a well-trained and skilled garment production management team. The company has a total value of 1.8 million yuan in fixed assets, self-owned capital of 800,000 yuan, and more than 120 imported and domestic advanced garment machinery and equipment. Since the second half of 1989, due to the weak market, the plant’s sales fell and the product backlog. They are determined to make good use of this opportunity, focus on the market situation and the reality of the factory, and focus on six things: —— Convene a factory-wide employee meeting to clarify the grim situation facing the employees and increase their sense of crisis.
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4月1日,中关村风云再起。  总投资超过100亿元,建成后预计年产值将达到600至700亿元的中科院龙芯芯片、激光显示、曙光超级计算机、华为通信、国核能源、亚信总部等18个中关村北部产业聚集区重大产业化项目集中开工仪式正式举行。    4月1日,中关村风云再起。  总投资超过1 00亿元,建成后预计年产值将达到600至700亿元的中科院龙芯芯片、激光显示、曙光超级计算机、华为通信、国核能源、亚信总