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蓖麻是哲里木盟的优势经济作物。近几年来,随着党在农村经济政策的进一步落实,随着油脂化工生产的飞跃发展,哲盟蓖麻生产有了新的发展,种植面积逐年扩大,科学技术逐年进步,产量逐年增加,经济地位也越来越高,尤其我盟科左中旗育成的长穗蓖麻新品种,为我盟蓖麻创高产开创了一条新路。长穗蓖麻是科左中旗从1979~1989年以系选方法育成属中国蓖麻、东北蓖麻的一个中晚熟优良高产品种,具有高产优质、抗逆性强、生长势强等特性,且掐 Castor is the dominant economic crop of Zheli League. In recent years, with the further implementation of the party’s economic policies in the rural areas, with the rapid development of oil and chemical production, the production of Zhemou Castor has made new progress. The area under cultivation has been expanding year by year. Science and technology have been progressing year by year. The output has been increasing year by year. The economy The status is also getting higher and higher, especially the new varieties of long-spike castor grown in our League left Zuoqi open a new road for the high output of castration of our Union. Long spike castor is Kezuozhongqi breeding from 1979 to 1989 by the Department of election method is a Chinese castor bean, northeast castor a good middle-aged varieties, with high yield and quality, strong resistance, strong growth potential and other characteristics, And pinch
This paper presents a new and efficient approach for constructing exact solutions to nonlinear differential-differenceequations (NLDDEs) and lattice equation. B