
来源 :北方音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fdhwangwei
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表演是演员天职,很多老艺术家都还在说:“我是在边演边学习。”可见,表演并非朝夕之功。表演是艺术之本,自然而扎实的表演,没有痕迹的表演,才可以将观众带入到你将要表现的人物中去,而忘了你本人,忘了你是个演员。这里我们要讲的是舞台表演这一和观众直接近距离交流与最直接听取观众反响的表演。 Performance is an actor’s vocation, many of the old artists are still saying: “I was studying while performing. ” Can be seen, the performance is not the day or night. Performing is an art-based, natural and solid performance, without trace of performances, can the audience into the character you want to show, and forget you, forget you are an actor. What we are going to talk about here is the stage performance, which is a direct and immediate audience interaction with the audience.